Monday, 29 September 2014

September 29 Port Severn

September 29  Monday,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Quentin & Todd!!

We left Owen Sound on the 27th  around 2 pm  and made it as far as White Cloud Island. We were meeting friends there and we knew we wouldn’t get to Midland anyway, having left too late.  It was hard saying goodbye to everyone but we will be back in the spring.

We got to White Cloud around 7:30pm. We didn’t have any wind and babying the new motor along made us slower than we anticipated. The weather was awesome. I think maybe the universe has given up on trying to slow us down ...our determination has finally triumphed! Now if only Lotto Canada would cut us some slack! “ I prob’ly shouldn’t a said that.”

We left White Cloud at 9 a.m. after having coffee and showing off the boat to our friends, who have a gorgeous Bertram Trojan that you could hold a dance in! But he’s 6 feet tall and doesn’t fit in our boat without a lot of bending and Jack and Gary and Joe...and come to think of it, almost everyone taller than 5’6”. I guess we’re the water equivalent of a hobbit hole.  I LOVE it!

So we got as far as Thunder Bay. Everybody freaked when I texted, we didn’t go the wrong way!  There is a Thunder Bay at the top of Nottawasaga Bay. It was dark when we anchored so it was a good thing we decide to run in there.
This morning we left, and got to Queen’s Cove Marina in Victoria Harbour at 12:30 pm.

 The nice lady at Queen’s Cove who took our call is from Port Elgin and Bill Walker’s sister-in-law (for you non-O/S-ers , he’s the MP). We were originally headed for Dutchman’s Cove but they can’t take boats wider than 15 feet. (we are 16.5’) We called Doral but they wanted $300.00 to take down the mast and they were even further away from Port Severn. It took 2 hours and a lot of messing about to get the mast set on the deck and under the top without ripping down wires and balanced but we did it.

We are now sitting in front of the first lock at Port Severn. %#@&^ government office doesn’t open until 10 am and the last lock closes at 3:30  every day so we are going to have to boogie to get through in 12 days. There are 45 locks:  that’s 4 per day and we still have to cross Lake Simcoe as well. We should be good as long as the weather holds. It has been amazing. Oh, I said that already. Of course, we had awesome wind as soon as the sails came off, and I expect we will have beautiful sailing weather all the way to New York, when the sails go back on.  

So we are getting to bed earlier ever night as the dark comes quickly now. I won’t be having tea tonight. There’s quite a noisy waterfall beside us and I don’t need any extra encouragement to get 16 times.

Tomorrow will be exciting...hopefully I can keep my mouth shut this time and we will get through with no hassle. Today I tried to cancel my phone and someone in a foreign country wouldn’t let me because apparently I don’t have one...they are both in Rick’s name and they won’t talk to me. So don’t be surprised if you can’t reach us at all after tomorrow. We are going to MAKE SURE they cancel our phones!!!

However, I can blog with no problem, so you will hear from us in the next few days. Locks are boring after you’ve done one or two so don’t get worried if I have nothing to report. ‘Scuse me a minute ...that damned waterfall...

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