Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Sunday - Monday

Sunday- Monday Nov 23

The rain stopped in the afternoon.  Tim, the mechanic came in and Rick got the motor out of the shop. He started to take it apart and Tim got him started.  Then one of Kenny's [ the sheriff] friends stopped working on Kenny's dune buggy to give Rick some advice. Rob [Beguiler] also came over to help. We went over to "Beguiler" for coffee in the afternoon and had a good visit after we started on the dinghy motor. I managed to get the laundry done ...mostly wet clothes from being caught in the rain over the last three days!

We have been playing Mexican Train dominoes after dinner. It's fun and good practise for when we get to Georgetown... it's what everyone plays while they sit around and talk! Quentin seems to like it too. It's definitely not rocket science but it is slightly strategic so you need to pay a bit of attention.

This morning is sunny and COLD -- 58 degrees here! I almost dug out the blankets last night! Today we are going to finish all the tasks today we need to get done.

Monday...or not...
When Rick took apart the dingy motor he found that we needed new gaskets. There wasn't actually a thermostat in the motor and we need one of those obviously. We also need a head a gasket but this is not a made-in-USA or a made-in-Canada motor; it's international so we have to order the G*#$^@% parts!!!

Today is cold again. I am going to dig the long sleeved shirts out of the van. We will need them for the next few days.

So we are not leaving until the parts arrive...3 to 5 days! Aaarrrrgggg!! I think we might be sending Quentin home from Miami.!! Although it appears that once we get the parts the motor will be in good working condition again. Tim figures it will be good for another 20 years. He stops by every once in a while to make sure Rick is doing it right. That's his mantra: any motor he works on is good for 20 years. I sure hope he's right!!! Of course it takes him 10 years to get it done...

On a different note...every time we drive somewhere out to a fringe store [Home Depot, Wal-Mart etc.] There is a section of the downtown that we drive through where peacocks wander all over the streets. No-one drives over the. Of course we never have the camera with us...but I will try to remember it today when we go back up there.

So, C-Soul is being launched in the next couple of days. They are in Beaufort, NC. They will probably beat us down to Miami. Modaki is ready soon to be launched and they are hoping to catch up with us. So as long as they slow down that might happen!  Beguiler is almost ready to go too, so as usual we will be bringing up the rear! If you guys all end up in the same place, introduce yourselves! We'll catch up eventually.

I did actually break out the blankets last night. I used mine and was warm! 

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