Friday, 30 December 2016


December 29-30
So on the 28th we went to get our exit permit and once again the last few things we forgot. When we got back the cowling was off the dinghy motor and long-story-short: it had to go back.
In the morning of the 29th the service guy picked up the motor and the replacement we were expecting never materialized. I already ranted about this on facebook]. Many of you kind friends told me not to take a bus back to Ontario, and Jeanne gave me some particularly helpful advice which I tried.
Last night around 5 pm we got the call: there was nothing wrong with the motor - final word from the service department. This morning it came back. We were already anchored out and Rick rowed against the 20+ knot winds [luckily the tide was coming in] to pick it up. I had visions of him having a heart attack on the dock but he survived...
So guess where we are NOT?! In Riverside!!! We got under the bridge, fuelled up and pulled into the anchorage just past the South Causeway Bridge...okay so we only went three miles but, hey...we anchored in daylight!
Good thing, too, because we went aground in this anchorage!! And the dinghy pushed us off the sandbar!
 [I know some of you think I make this stuff up...but I don't. If there were ever two people who should just quit while they're ahead...]
But hey, the winds have died... well, maybe not ...we are sitting behind a bank of high rise apartments,  beside a trawler that just pulled in called Loose Goose from Midland Ont. The sunset was spectacular and we are eating hot soup and drinking tea. And we might even make it to where C-Soul is anchored for New Year's Eve. Life is good...again...for now...

Goodnight, stay warm and safe! HUGS
going to get motor

one bridge down...

two bridges down

don't I look happy??

end of day!

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

December 25-28

December 25-28
This has been an interminable week...oh, wait...only 3 days...see what I mean?
Christmas Day was fine...we spent the morning trying to start the luck. So we left and met up with C-Soul. The movie was great - Rogue One- so sad about Carrie Fisher. [ I took the Star Trek / Star wars test...I am either Spock or Leia depending on what galaxy I am in]
26th we talked to Tim about returning the motor. He said to take it to a repair place that was Honda certified. In the meantime he looked at it and made some more adjustments...and it ran for him...grrrrr.
27th ...okay it runs...every time Rick starts it. So either we're morons when it comes to mechanics [I don't believe that] or we're cursed [ closer to the truth of it].
We picked up or spark plugs, spent the morning with _Soul and came back to move the boat. Decided that we needed a source of internet and spent the evening searching [by car] for the proper plan to add to our unlocked phone to give us the maximum coverage for the best price. Everyone one was sold out!!!
Today we leave the Marina proper and anchor outside the channel. We will slowly head south after we get fuel, water and our exit permit. We will be in Lake Worth by Monday. We will head out between midnight Monday and 6 am Tuesday morning and should be on the Bahama bank by Tuesday night. At least, that's the plan today....

Saturday, 24 December 2016

December 24

TO all our family and friends; thank you for all your thoughts , well-wishes and advice.
First: we bought it new from a dealer (through the Marina). Reputable dealer.
Mark Fischer came back yesterday and between him and Rick they fixed the problem...slight adjustment to gas ratio/ start vs slow idle set-up and several other tweaks that I'm not sure I want to know about.
So now it starts...several times ...after letting it sit, or running it, and we are confident that it will be a good motor. It may take awhile for me to get the hang of starting it, but I learned how to start the little Yamaha.
It's Christmas Eve and we have just finished a great dinner of smoked turkeys, smoked ham, green beans, lima bean soup, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, cheese, buns, pickles, cranberries and tons of pies and apple crisp with whipped cream. The Marina people put this on and we brought side dishes. It was great. Mark and Gail came over too. Not a traditional Christmas Eve for us, but nice.
Tomorrow we are going to meet Gail and Mark and go to a show then have dinner at their Marina. After that we are going to set out and I will be without internet on a regular basis until we cross over to the Bahamas and get our internet set up.
So if you don't hear from us for the next while, we are fine. we hope you all have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.
Take care; be kind to each other. May the Universe provide you with what you need. And be happy. There's no fun in being anything else.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

December 22

December 22
We are still at the dock. The last chore is propane before we park the car and head off to the ICW, and anchor out. We have been invited to Christmas Eve dinner here at the boatyard, and we aren't sure if that means we can stay at the dock for a couple more days or what...

We could go out to anchor, but the new dinghy motor is a learning curve. I read the manual to him and he ignores it. So needless to say, he has a hard time starting it.

I still can't get used to getting up and having nothing to do, or at least no rush to get anything done. Sorry for all of you who are still working and trying to keep to a schedule.

It rained here last night and cooled off here considerably. So it's maybe 72 and gray.

Our last chore ashore is to get the propane tanks filled. If we move out to anchor we will lose the internet access until we are over in the Bahamas and get our Bahamas phone activated. I am not ready to cut myself off yet.

Okay, neither of us can start the new motor. What a good deal!!! Where is that god's eye? Maybe we need to get it back!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

December 20

December 20
It's not feeling a lot like Christmas's friggin' hot and we are getting frazzled...still stuck here. Tomorrow we hope to get our boat papers. That 4 feet of snow is starting to look not so bad.
Gail  [C-Soul] has been sick in hospital for three days...we are visiting her in hospital tonight...a bit of an infection from a bite, possibly. Hopefully she should be coming "home" tomorrow and we can plan our crossing.
On a different note, Sue H, I've had just about all I can handle from the Universe, so I hope it backs off a bit!! We had to find a bigger charger for our batteries and we've been charging for 2 days. Thank god for shore power. The small trickle charger bit the dust and while investigating the type and source that we needed, we found that a trickle charger will kill deep cycle batteries...funny, that information didn't turn up last year when we were trying to get them fixed!
Today, after 3 days of battling with the 8-hp motor that got 'fixed' in Tobermory, and finding that there are NO parts for 2-stroke Yamaha engines available in the USA or Canada...they aren't sold here anymore, and screwing around with jury-rigging 4-stroke parts, we finally had to bite the bullet and buy a new Honda 5-hp motor. It should be here tomorrow... Merry friggin' Christmas!

Hope yours is looking better!

Sunday, 18 December 2016

December 18...Another day ...

December 18
Another day of running around...Rick's drill bit the dust so we needed a new one. Looked for a car cover; there's no place to leave the car inside...only boats and RV's. Rats!
There was a manatee swimming around us this morning but the water  isn't clear enough here to get pictures.
We can't get the dinghy motor started...what a SURPRISE!! Rick spent the very last day in Canada working on it, with a mechanic "supervising" but they never tested it. Sam, the motor guy will be in tomorrow so maybe he will have time to help.
However, we saw the peacocks today on our way to Home Depot, and managed to get a picture!
Oh...Home Depot... a new Ryobi drill with 2 batteries for $99.00 and comes with your choice of another Ryobi tool!!  And because we couldn't get a Home Depot card [it wouldn't accept a Canadian SIN number, they gave us another $10.00 off!!! So that was his Christmas present.

So another day of stupid little chores, and hopefully the weather window will hold on Thursday...we only need 12 hours of good winds and clear skies!
FYI - For those who have not seen them, these are the stained glass windows my brother, Joe made up from my logo. Love them!

Saturday, 17 December 2016

December 16

December 16, 2016: In the Water
Wow, it took awhile to get sea legs back. I am still bouncing off the bulkheads trying to move from one room to the other.
We are still floating in the slip. It was so dark and late last night that they didn't want us to move down to a dock; besides, there isn't one ready for us yet. We will move out to anchor when we have finished the laundry, provisions and sorting the workshop.
We didn't check the bilges when we launched, partly because Rick wanted to move the car out of the way of the travel lift and over to the boat. So an hour later I went looking for him...he was helping them set up another boat. He was covered in mud and needed a shower so by the time we had dinner it was 9 pm. Anyway, we don't have wet floors so w must not be leaking!
There are still big fish in the channel here, not sure what they are but they sound like whales. They chase small fish around body-slam them into the boats to catch them. Sounds like we are being invaded!
The little critters here didn't take long to attach to the boat, either. There is a crackling noise all the time, with these little shrimp-like organisms chewing at the boat...either they are cleaning it...not likely; or they are eating the bottom pain...more likely.
There was a beautiful purple ibis standing on the floating dock behind us this morning, but I couldn't get the camera out before he left.
Today we rig the sails, sort the workshop, fill the trailer with stuff we don't need right now but might need when we come back. We are floating a little low on the port side...200 pounds of t-shirts, art supplies and the tool shed will do that but there is no way to balance off the load according to Rick, "we aren't bad"
Mark and Gail, C-Soul, are waiting for us so we can cross together. We are going to try to get to the Abacos to meet up with Diane and Andy on Windreka for Christmas Day. Our problem is that we have to get our documents from Homeland Security and then we have 48 hours according to the last officer we talked to. Our weather window isn't until next Wednesday, 21st...Cutting it a bit close...
We did the final provisioning today. Got our frozen food and some more peanut butter and coffee.  It was a very long day.
When we were ready to move out of the launch slip [because they were going to drop another boat on us] we headed down to the dock Tim had picked out. Sam [Tim's assistant] came with us because the winds were 20 knots into the channel and we had to make a right angle turn into the dock space. We didn't fit and the wind drove us against the ends of the other boats. This place is unbelievably crowded. 
We stayed wedged in the slip while Tim moved another boat out of a wider slip and we are now parked right beside the launch slip. Bonus...I can access their internet from the boat without going into their office least on the I-pad. My stupid Acer computer, from which I blog, can't do it.
Anyway, we can get over the humps! It's not snowing here!

In the water [in the morning]

Burning the sugar cane fields

Thursday, 15 December 2016

December 15

December 15
Emptying the trailer was more of a chore that we thought, but it was gratifying to see the trampoline go up! I forgot to bring my sewing machine to finish the sock for the little jib. Rats, but I brought the cord for it! Today we were supposed to be launched...not happening. It's now 4:30 and they are still working on the "Flying Dutchman" mast, no motor or shaft. Don't know how he got it in here, unless he pushed with a dinghy! Been there, done that !!! 
We went to Jacksonville to pick up the t-shirts and stuff for the Regatta. 9 boxes!!! We managed to stuff them into 7 and pack them into the "Study/ guest room" We went to Ft. Lauderdale the day before [and the opposite direction, of course] to get the blades, switch and nose cone for the wind turbine. We called twice to make sure they had the parts, and they assured us that they did. Of course, they didn't, but we got the most important parts...the blades!!!
We put the old prop back on... the extra ones we brought didn't fit.  And we discovered that the whole drive hangs slightly under-hung on the back.  This pushes the nose down but we can't change that until we re-install the locking mechanism so that will have to wait until we hit a beach with really clear water [so when Rick drops the parts, I can find them].  So once again it will be a slow slog over there.

Not much else happening... gotta get the laundry done. 

Dec. 8-9

December 8-9
We got to the boat this morning to check it out... FYI Magic is just fine!  Beguiler and Pearl have left and we searched for Amazing Grace before we realized that you probably aren't here! Haven't seen Copper Penny either.
So the boat has only a few bits of mould...the fridge and a couple of pillows that soaked up the condensation. The pillows were going to be turfed anyway. But what's really creepy...I found a Rubbermaid container of spaghetti sauce sitting on the shelf beside the freezer.  It doesn't smell, has hardly any mould in it!  So either the commercial spaghetti sauce is filled with preservatives or Rubbermaid makes one helluva great seal!!!
We wandered around helplessly wondering where to start and then decided to go visit Mark and Gail in Indian Town, about 20 miles away. They are in the water ready to go, but now the question of a weather window comes up...when is it good to leave. We are all hoping to be in the Abacos by Christmas.
The boat beside us, and the one behind are being launched on the 15th so we need to get moving and get ourselves ready so that they don't need to move us twice. But we have to go to Jacksonville on Monday to get the Regatta stuff.
The boat was fine for sleeping so we ended up in our OWN bed. We loved living with Jack for 5 months but it feels good to be home... on the boat! The batteries need to be supercharged; one of the solar panels had something hit it or rub on it so it will need to be replaced or fixed, and Rick had to go to MacDonald for coffee this morning but we're going to be fine! The cold front hit last night and the temperature went down to about ...16? Sorry! It's grey and drizzling but that makes it easier to work.
My fingernails and toenails are mostly pink and only turn purple when my feet and hands get wet. (OK...before we left, my awesome daughter treated me to a manicure and a pedicure, and they had nail polish that turns colour depending on your body's really cool...I am going to make it last as long as possible!  It's not going to be easy tripping through the gravel boatyard and working on the boat parts.)

Today we order the new blades for the wind generator, then Rick starts on the drive re-assembly. I will start washing the inside until he needs help, and then we can start unpacking the trailer. Yaay!!

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Deember 7

December 7
Last night we stopped and picked up a cooked chicken and salad and dinner in the motel. This morning I took off my socks. The temperature outside was 11 degrees so I packed the socks away and am wearing just shoes. As we fought the morning rush hour of transport trucks, we passed the burnt one that had closed the highway all night. It was the cab that was burnt...hope the driver got out details available.
We spent the rest of the morning dodging trucks and bumps in the road... these highways are crap!!!! In Georgia, we passed work crews cleaning up the massive sections of fallen oak and pine trees from the hurricane.
At noon we stopped at a rest stop/ information center and made lunch, sitting outside in the 20 degree sunshine...sorry...okay, not. It was great and now we are running with the A/C on!!! We can smell the tidal flats, salt water and Georgia Pacific [the company that supplies bathrooms around the country with paper towels.]
Now we are running along the coast. The clouds are disappearing and we are getting more glimpses of the ocean in the distance. The vistas of grassland swamps and ocean are counterpoint to the anxiety of screaming trucks whizzing by! It is amazing to see the number of trees ripped out by the hurricane, especially through south Georgia and North Florida.
We arrived at the boat at 6 pm but it was too dark to do much except make sure that the dinghy is still intact [yay!] and the stuff we left on the deck is still there.  We went to Steak and Shake for dinner and then we checked into an America's Best motel for the night. It is stupid noisy with a bunch of contract workers in town on some project. They're still partying and it's 10:30. I guess you get what you pay for ...only $44.00 a night. I hope the boat is ready to sleep in tomorrow night !!

Hopefully the projected temperature change won't bring precipitation so we can get the boat ready to launch as soon as possible.  Later...

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

December 6- Virginia to SouthCarolina

December 6
Today was a tough day...lots of hard rain, transport trucks and huge mountains. There's no way to describe the enormity of the Appalachians, because they are so round and treed all the way to the top. Sections of the road were reduced speed due to fog danger. Okay...that's a joke. The speed limit is 70. (115 km) The speed was reduced to 65. (105 +/-) REALLY?!?!?  I can barely get up to 60 without freaking out...that's over the limit on ANY Canadian !
We went through two mile-long tunnels in Virginia and as we headed south the air warmed. Right now we are in South Carolina, almost at the Georgia border and the temperature is 13 degrees (Can). It's supposed to get colder by the end of the week, so we will head to Value Village and get a coat or sweater. We left all our winter clothes up in "winter country".  If we are lucky the "cold" weather coming will be Canadian Sweatshirt weather and we can forego the coats!

Tied down !!!

Heading into tunnel

Inside the tunnel

Lots of trucks

Lots of ra

Monday, 5 December 2016

December 4-5, 2016

December 4, 2016
We're, no, no, not back back. I'm back to blogging again. I'm just hoping there are still people out there who are reading still and interested!
First I want to apologize to all the people we didn't get to see this summer. Working made it difficult: he worked Tuesday to Saturday and I worked Thursdays through Monday. Sometimes we had a day off together but it was a fluke when we did. And Rick worked until the end of October. When we weren't working we were fixing, looking for parts and collecting the stuff we needed to bring back down to the boat.
Yesterday at noon we left after packing the trailer. We went through Southampton and Port Elgin... the closest border crossing for us, and managed to stop at the gymnastics club to say goodbye to Quentin, where he is a coach now. He is really good at gymnastics!! Luckily Liz arrived at the same time to pick up Natasha and she had Todd with her,  so we got to say goodbye to all of them again, except Geoff but we had seen him at the house earlier., as we were heading to Port.
It was cold and blowy and by the time we got south of Port Elgin, it was raining and snowing on and off all the way to Grand Bend, after which it just drizzled a bit here and there.
 We crossed the Bridge at Sarnia / Port Huron with absolutely no hassles except the guard wanted to know how many cabins we had. But we are on the wrong side of Florida apparently...he prefers the Gulf. We stopped at a Super 8 - whoa expensive in the States - but comfortable. We left this morning at 9 am and started south.
The car is handling the trailer well. The roads in southern Michigan SUCK!!! Our mileage is up probably because of the rough roads but gas is less than 60 cents a litre! Woohoo! Add exchange and it makes it around 75 cents.  Ohio roads are 100% better!
Our next stop is to visit the Iguana Man [Dr. Iverson] at Earlham College, Indiana, then on to North Carolina to catch up with Carol and Ross. Hope to be at the boat by the weekend, but...y'all know how well we plan things!!! Later!

December 5, 2016
We stopped in Centreville, just outside of Richmond Indiana, and visited with John and Sheila Iverson. They have a magnificent property that they are converting back to indigenous forest, and we talked about everything from tiling floors, raising dogs [they have a beautiful Doberman named Rosie], to the election tragedy! We had a great visit, played a fun game of Rummikub [?] and talked some more. We stayed over night and after a morning coffee were on our way to North Carolina.At one of the Rest stops about 4 hours from Indiana, we checked the trailer.
Uh-oh the whole box had shifted backwards off the frame. So we had to unpack it and find the spectra line [super rope for sailors] that we picked up. It was just long enough to tie down the box. When we got to a town with stores in the Appalachian mountains [West Virginia] , we stopped to buy ratchet straps. It seems to have worked. When we stopped for the night the box was still where we put it back. We have been discussing ways to re-build or re-attached it when we get to Florida.
Seems the weather is going to change and snow will be chasing us down to the boat. We are hoping it will turn to rain but the amount of rain predicted for Georgia the Carolinas and North Florida is a bit scary...5-10 inches..
But tomorrow we will be on the road again. 

Friday, 23 September 2016

End of Summer 2016

September 2016
OK the summer ended on August 31 and the temperature has not gotten above 25, or its so cold at night that by the time it gets to 27-28 the sun is about to drop behind the horizon.  We are living in a forest so it's difficult to see the sun sometimes.
The job is winding down. Sauble Beach turns into a ghost town after school starts and is only open on weekends ...literally.  Today being September 19 will probably be my last day. Rick; however, is working until the end of October so I have no excuse for not getting everything done that I had planned to complete this summer.
I had applied for two jobs at the local college: one was as a student advisor to the new students who were foreign or were first-family [who were the first in their families to actually attend post secondary].  The other was as a writing assistant to help students with writing essays in proper English. I got neither position. 
I think I was not acceptable firstly because when they looked at my resume which covered all of my post-secondary degrees and my Ontario teaching qualifications [public and high school], and looked at the dates, my age gave me away. Secondly, there were no typing mistakes in my cover letter and my resume, so that was a mark against me. {There were typos in the ad listing the requirements for the positions} And thirdly my B. of Arts, B. of Education, teaching certificate; having taught both high school and adults in re-training and being a published author did not equate to their requirement of some obscure certificate that said I knew how to teach English to adults. Oh well, I would have stayed the winter here, but maybe the Universe is telling me I don't have to now! [Besides, I was afraid Jeanne would have hunted me down...]
I am NOT without skills. I re-made the sail cover...gave up the lazy-jack idea and just made it better, and patched the wear spots. I completely repaired the spinnaker. Yeehaw! And we have lots of extra patching material. I have made up the UV strip for the small jib and if I can't get it sewn on, the sail-maker will finish it for me. Plus, I have done so many repairs to jeans, pants, shorts, shirts, and kid's clothes, I COULD have opened my own shop this summer ... hmmm ... next year?
We finally replaced the van. We had to when the strut fell through the engine compartment and sat on the wheel. I had been driving our old Kia that my brother bought when we left. Rick was driving at time the Tobermory Marine truck [a well-used Ford] and when that didn't work, he drove his boss's Cadillac XLR ragtop...very scary to drive a million dollar car that isn't yours...especially on gravel roads!!!
We search all through the Auto trader and various other sites; we scoured the yards of auto dealers here and even private offerings but there was nothing that was under $2000.00 that didn't need an equal amount of work and had less than 200,000 km on it. We finally went to London after a couple of false starts, to look at a vehicle at one of the dealerships.  No go; so we drove around London for a day, scouring their lots, this time with the dealer's agents or mechanics as guides. We passed one car in a lot and the agent said laughingly "You should take this one. It just came in yesterday...little old lady... only on Sundays."
It was nothing close to what we were looking for but it was a beautiful car: a 2000 Chrysler 300 M with only 72,000 km; only $3100.00. Not a mark on it: white with cream leather interior and it could do everything except make coffee. I sat in it, pretending I was a queen while I admired the elegant instruments and the faux wood trim...for about 45 seconds, and then slid back through the portal into the real world, where we continued our search for a van/truck/SUV in which we could carry shit without guilt.  We found another bargain and they agreed to pre-examine it before we bought it...just in case.
I drove back to Owen Sound because I had to work the next day but Rick waited for the SUV to be ready. Around 10 am the next morning, he texted me and said that it was junk and was being scrapped, so the hunt continued. He and my brother-in-law continued to look for another 'bargain'.
For some reason I was starting to obsess over that car. I bawled all the time I was making beds and cleaning toilets that day, trying to send him mental messages to go get that car. Completely not what we needed!! [I think I might have texted him once or twice...]
So we have this lovely luxury car that we could actually live in and it will kill me to park it for the winter! The mechanic who certified it told Rick it was a great deal and it would last us another 10 years. Aha! There's the justification! It is a $500.00 -a-year-car instead of replacing it every year for 1-2 thousand, right?  So the Universe provided the car instead of a job. Now if it would only let me win a lottery...
So many changes happening this winter too.  People changing boats; changing destinations. It feels like we are going back to a new community. I hope we see some of them back in the cruising community somewhere, and I hope we see all of the people on our land list before we leave, too!  It may take until Christmas but...
I got an email from the College yesterday to tell me that there was a job posting that I might interested in. OH LOOK, it's the same one I  already applied for...think I'll give it a second shot to see what happens. I can always say "no". And if it's offered, I can also take it for a while and if I don't like it, quit...not as if I need to replace it with anything.

See... not much news. It's more exciting on the boat!

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Summer 2016

August 2016
The summer is passing so quickly!!  A number of people have commented that I have not posted anything for awhile, so here goes. This is not as exciting or interesting as being on the boat but you asked for it...
We are both working right now.  First it was to pay for boat repairs but after the accident...oh, wait, I didn't tell you about that...
Up at Palm Coast, after we hurriedly cleaned and packed the boat and managed to get away a day earlier [the mosquitoes were literally driving us mad!], I was driving and blew a tire! I managed not to hit and other vehicles in the four lanes on our side of I-95 but hit a guard rail!  There were two cops who passed us going the other way; one turned around and radioed (I assume) for back-up, and a few minutes later a highway patrol and state trooper pulled up behind us.  Before they arrived, Rick was trying to change the tire and every time he jacked up the van, the kack went throught he frame. Uh-oh...not good
Initially I wanted a job that did not involve decision making, personal interaction with strangers, or thinking of any sort, so I found a housekeeping job at a motel.  The pay is minimal but I don't care...the whole idea was to supplement the cruising kitty. I get about 15-20 hours a week, but it does two things: gives me money for boat repairs and keeps me fit!  I can completely clean a bedroom and a bathroom from stripping and making two beds, to completely washing the bathroom including walls and floor to vacuuming the whole place in 30 minutes. I am stronger now than when I started and still flexible!
I also made some boat cushion covers for friends' boat, which took about a week to complete.
Rick, on the other hand, is working at Tobermory Marine Services four days a week. He drives an hour each way and loves it! He's back in "his natural habitat...marine retail"!  He will be able to get the dinghy motors repaired and we can decide which one we want to keep. He will be there until haul-out in October.
We took the sails and the trampoline over to a sail-maker yesterday in Collingwood - K-Force Sails. He is replacing the edges of the tramp with an amazing material that is not sail cloth. It is a poly-vinyl that has reinforcing in it so that it cannot rip. We tried!! And it is UV protected so it will not get sun-damaged!  He also told us we should be using 303 Sun |Protecter on our fabrics to prevent sun-damage. He will look at the small spinnaker to see about repairing it and told us to get the measurements for him to see about building a new one for us that fits the boats.
I have started to make repairs to the sail cover. I am changing it so it can be eventually converted to a lazy-jack bag.
We are staying with my brother Jack in Alvanley. Liz's house in Hepworth cannot support 7 people on a full-time basis ...neither will my sanity. We have been working with him to get the Rockford house [mom and dad's place] finished so he can get it rented out. It's beautiful. If it were mine, I wouldn't let anyone else move in!!
[FYI - all these little communities are about 10-20 minutes apart...not really different towns; more like suburbs with farms in between ]
Quentin is back at home. He is also working part-time with me, actually. He does maintenance around the motel and he is also on the call list for another one and a roofing company.
The summer here has been horrible. At first, it was so cold I couldn't get warm. There has been no rain except for two days since we got back, and the whole area is tinder dry. At night the temperature drops to 10-12 degrees and it is freezing but in the daytime it goes up to 25. [For our foreign friends that's 50 at night and 75 during the day...25 degree change and it's tough on the body!!] 75 is not really hot but everyone here is complaining of the heat. If it's humid, it's worse and there is no reprieve. Apparently the water in the lake is still very cold. I wouldn't know...I have no intention of swimming until the water is 25-27 degrees [Caribbean warm]!
We expect to be back down in Fort Pierce by the end of October. We are taking the scenic route back: via Thunder Bay, Kenora, possibly Billings, Montana; Indiana and Charlotte NC. That should take about 3 weeks but we will see many of you that we have missed.
We finally got the see the last Star Wars...not impressed, but the Star Trek was awesome!!! And we managed to watch "The Martian". I loved the movie but the book was so much better!  It's a little scary how easy it is to fall back into old habits...watching TV, especially baseball games and favourite comedies. I still can't listen to commercial radio and I snarl at stupid drivers. I hate the City [Toronto] and the suburbs, love the countryside, but I still love the challenge of driving on superhighways.
I am waiting for a couple more things to happen but until they manifest I am not going to mention them. Suffice to say, there will be more news soon...maybe...or not.

Enjoy your summer, and stay warm...god knows I'm trying to!!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

last days in the Bahamas

Well, we are back in Owen more accidents/ incidents...except that when we were trying to get to London after crossing the border before midnight so my sister could go to bed, we came upon an accident and sat on the highway for about a half hour hoping we wouldn't run out of gas....uh oh...before we hit the next station. When the traffic started moving, Quentin said...quick gramma, toss out that God's eye so we don't get stuck in this. I decided not a good idea...I might hit the cop or toss it through his windshield!
We can drive it until we find a replacement....she ain't pretty but she still runs, and the gas mileage is good ...except that when I hit the guard rail I knocked off the gas tank vent and it slops out when you hit bumps. So we don't fill it up...and at $4.00+a gallon up here who can afford it ???
Today is loose ends card, find numbers, make calls ...we missed Ross and Carol in you can toss Quentin's shoes, pulleeeeze!
Miss all you guys from Bahamas...looking forward to hooking up later this year... Looking forward to catching up with our landlubber friends ...hugs to all!
heading across at sunset

crap...just a barracuda

A big unhappy barracuda

Barracuda leaving the boat

sea biscuit at Hawksbill Cay

Hello /goodbye Windreka


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

JUne...going back north

June 4 Going backwards
We are in Fort Pierce. We arrived on June 2 at 12:20 am and dropped anchor at 2 am, so technically it was June 3. I called Homeland security  [both numbers} but no-one was home. Finally on the 3rd try some tired guy answered and said, "Phone back after 8 am when the system is up and running."
Coming in the inlet at the tide change was a nightmare!  We had 5 foot standing waves! It was like being in the perfect storm. We had to rev up the engine to maximum, which wasn't happy since it had been purring along at 2500 rpm  since 3 am the morning before. There were times when I thought we were going to tip right over!  To top it all ff, as Iwas handing over the wheel to Rick, and he sot into high gear, it occurred to me that we had been running since 3 am when he put 5 gallons in. As this thought crossed my mind, the engine quit...ran out of fuel. So Quentin shot out of the front seat, grabbed the windlass control, I yelled at him to drop the anchor and Rick stood t the wheel wondering what the hell could we be out of fuel???? We were in 30 feet of water with nothing underneath us but sand and angry waves. I took the wheel and steered us off the markers, Rick dump the last 5 gallons (what should have been extra, yeah, right!) into the tank and after 5 cranks, she started...god, I love that engine!!!
Have to re-think next year's entry inlet.
The day over started 3 am so we could get across with lots of time left. We started 18 miles inside the Bahama bank at Mangrove Cay, and headed straight to Memory Rock...just a big rock on the edge of the bank. We had the wind directly behind us and unfortunately we had torn the other spinnaker the day before, so we only had the heavy jib, but it worked. We managed between 4-6 knots most of the way but that was motor sailing. So let's back up to the last blog...
The week at Allen's Cay was amazing. We spent the time with a different crew and the scientists were an interesting mix of specialists all helping Dr. John for different reasons.
We were greatly appreciated, everyone told us, because we added enough knowledge, energy [that would be Q] and help to make the job easier! Nice to know...we were also invited back to the June, September and next May expeditions: will have to take a rain check.
We made it to Eleuthera and caught the tail end of thunderstorm ...33 knots while trying to anchor behind a tiny little island. We spent the next day heading into Spanish Wells where we met us with SeaYa and Luck-of-a-Fool. Had a great time visiting with them. A couple of days ater, we headed across the open water to Abacos. Quentin caught a huge Mahi-mahi [39 inches] and we got into the Abacos by midnight, when he finished cleaning and filleting it.
The next day we ambled up the is;and chain and ran into [almost literally] Salt Shaker...Ben had a boat full of boy scouts, but Daniel & Pace had already gone home. We met Janess and Johnny and we tried to wait to see Brody but the weather was threatening to close in by the weekend so we had to keep moving
We also hooked up with Windreka at Manjack Cay, our next anchorage, and had a two hour coffee break the next morning. We made to Hawksbill that night and the next day we got past Mangrove Island.
You won't find most of these places on any map; suffice it to say we kept moving to beat the thunderstorms that surrounded us. I don't know why we dodged the bullet on that...not once did we get rained on in the run from Eleuthera to Fort Pierce...of course the inlet fiasco was the universe's way of chastising me for smirking at not being hit by lightning!
So we are on the continent: it is stinking hot here and the miniature mosquitoes are vicious. I am doing laundry ...all of it, and Rick and Quentin are packing the boat. If we can get away by Tuesday I will be happy.  Dr. John invited us to visit in Indiana but we are going straight up to London then Owen Sound.
So, don't look for another blog for awhile. We will be visitng most of you at some point this summer. So you'll get personal accounts with more of the hairy details! Tt y'all later

Post Script

So, no-one wants to hear this but we are in Charlotte NC ...took longer than we thought because I had an accident with the van today... back tire blew and I hit a guard rail. we are all okay ...van is not but drive-able until we get it home.
I'm not superstitious but last year some very nice people on a European sailboat gave us a god's-eye for luck [they said] and since then we have gone through 2 derechos [mini-hurricanes]; lost two sails; lost the trampoline; had problems with the drive leaking; repaired -- still leaking; lost the wind generator; ran out of gas twice in the boat; ripped two spinnakers; experienced the mini-Perfect Storm in Fort Pierce; had a flat tire Atlanta GA on the way down last year, and now this accident...cops said not to report injuries and the car will be scrapped when we get back.
I made the mistake, apparently, of bringing the god's eye with us on the trip home... should I just throw it out the window or give it away to some unsuspecting person and see if it;s cursed or just us???
Suggestions??? And don't say"sell the boat"!

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Last days in the Bahamas

I have been really bad at posting since we got to Allen's Cay.

The iguana hunt went well, we all had a great time and learned lots more and met some fantastic scientists...snake specialists, turtle specialists, bird specialists. We were invited to stop in Indiana at the university to visit Dr. John on our way home.

We left there and made it to  Spanish Wells through a tremendous thunderstorm. We spent the night on a dock and had a real shower!!  We also went out to anchor the next night and met up with Sea Ya again !  The next day we all went for lunch and lso met up with Luck of  FOol...It was a great three hours.

We left and headed for the Abacos...long day crossing the NW Providence channel but Quentin caught a meter long Mahi-Mahi...good eats!!! So the time was worth it. we anchored at midnighte and finished cleaning the fish!

Headed to Great Guana Cay the next day to try to catch up with Windreka, and ran inton Salt Shaker!! Ben had a boat full of boy scouts, but his boys, Daniel and Pace had already flown bck to S.Carolina.

Met up  with Johnny and Janess at Nipper's. We anchored over night hoping to meet their kids, but weather made us move on.

Windreka had  moved over to Manjack Cay, where we met them that night and had coffee the next morning with Dane and Andy.

 There is a disturbance in the force coming this weekend Mon-Sat and we need to get a cross the stream to the USA before them so we will try an overnighter. If we can manage it, it will take 225 hours to cross from Mangrove Cay to Ft. Pierce. at our current  rate of freaking wind!!!

We need to get Quentin back to Canada to get his work complete, but if we have to we will change our dstination to Miami or Lake Worthto make th trip shorter, although it sounds like the US coast is doing a lot worse that we are!!

SO no more posts until we hit the state...about to loe the internet tower connection :)
HAppy trails and tt y'all later

Saturday, 14 May 2016

May 11-13 YAWN... am I boring you yet?

May 9-13
Times flies when you're not paying attention!! We've beenhere for a few days swimming, watching the iguanas, picking up garbage,snarling at the boats who come screaming into the anchorage, with their stereosblasting, drop their passengers to harass the iguanas and then leave again.
Quentin has almost finished his whole English course and I have to say I have never read such a crappy course outline. ILC stuff is old and useless. He has had to read Romeo and Juliet in 2 versions: the standard Shakespeare version and one that is called "Manga"...Japanese anime' with the Shakespearian text but some of the speeches were shortened. 
One of the part questions he has to answer is: "Tell why you think the Manga version is not as good as the original version, by citing examples of things that were added, removed or changed in the Manga version."  How slanted is THAT???What if you like it better?  I'm not afan of the Manga version...don't like comic books, and old English spoken byJapanese just looks/sounds funny, but can read it faster!! Which isgood, if you don't like reading Shakespeare!
So, we have seen some really big rays and lots of crabs and fish. There are some needle fish or gar fish that hunt against the boat. They swim through the schools of little fish and slam them against the boat and suck them up.  There are silver-coloured fish that hunt with them or follow the rays to see what they churn up. We are very careful around the rays here. They are not used to humans.
The iguanas are like dump bears. They run out onto the beach as soon as they hear a motor. And if you don't have anything, they walk away. I was picking up garbage and because I had something in my hand, they were following me.
There is a pair of nesting ospreys here as well. They live on the western island in one of the few tall trees here. It's nice to see that the islands were not affected by the hurricane last October.
We have done some chores...repaired the mainsail with the rest of our sail tape and duct tape. It's 100-mile-an-hour tape and since we only go about 5-7 miles an hour, we're hoping it will hold until we get back to shore.
The wind generator is not blades but there is ample sunshine right clouds or rain...I probably shouldn'a said we are good for power.
The seagulls here are as bad as seagulls at home only they are more polite. They come by every morning noon and evening to say hello in case we are eating. They will sit on the dinghy or the motor and talk to us...very quietly.
We were all alone here except for the big powerboats until yesterday when a small monohull called Wild Goose came in and sat near us. SO, the other end of the bay is empty, right? Then a huge 47 ft catamaran comes in and parks BETWEEN us. They are so close I can read the labels on their laundry! I don't live on a sailboat because I want neighbours!!! Crap!! Hopefully they will leave soon.
We went snorkelling n the deep water around the outside of the islands yesterday. Quentin and Rick tried to fish from the dinghy....didn't
Cutting a coconut ...with an audience

Swimming under the rock

Nesting ospreys

Driving home from the "store"

Hello, my name is food?
work.  Have a good day, guys!

Friday, 13 May 2016

To Staniel Cay and Allen's Cay

May 5 In Staniel Cay
So we just sat... no, not sat..scurried around like scared rabbits... during a horrendous thunderstorms with 50+ knot winds and dragging anchors and shredding sails. But we are okay...wet and tired and we are preparing for another one scheduled for later today or tomorrow. Amazing Grace, Nauticuss and a couple of other boats are here: everyone is fine. Boats are clean and salt free!
OK, its evening. After the storm we asessed the damage: the main sail split but we an fix it with sal tpe when the deck dries. The staysail UV protection shredded, but we can get that fixed by a sailmaker. we lost the blades from our wind generator so we don;t have wind power and we blew the inverter,, so we don't have any AC power... computers cannot be charged so will probably lose the internet before we get another one. GRRRRRR!

But when it cleared up, Amazing Grace and Nauticuss took us to Thunderball Grotto and swam in there. Then we went to see the swimming pigs. Hopefully we will miss the next one. we will hang out here until we are sure.
May 6Morning! It's beautiful and calm and a perfect Caribbean looks like its over, and we are getting ready to move on. The inverter re-booted itself so that's a plus...dried out, so I will stop cursing the companies who make boat equipment that is not waterproof. 
The sail is not a big deal. We do not use our main to drive the boat: it is more like a steadying sail. And our big jib was good. We can lay out the man and use sail tape or duct tape if we have to to get us back to the mainland.
Wind generator is a disappointment but the blades are easily replaceable and as long s we have sunshine we're golden!
Today we go to town to get some milk and bread; show Quentin Smethurstthe nurse sharks that hang around the yacht club for food and petting. Then head up towards Wardrick Wells or Shroud Cay. Days are looking good.
OK, Update...Quentin Smethurst has jumped ship!! Amazing Grace and Nauticuss are heading up to Allen's Cay today. So Quentin is on Nauticuss. We will be there in 2 days and will pick him up then. He is crew on Nauticuss for two days. Ross will take good care of him! Oh, and Ross made him bring his homework!!!
May 8

Ok,for those of you who are concerned, we have met up with NautiCuss today and we will take back Quentin in the morning before Ross leaves. He said Q could spend another night on his boat. He is leaving for the Abacos tomorrow. I will have a cool picture to post later today or tomorrow when I get it off Ross's camera! We will be here in Allen's Cay for about 12 days, then had north to the Abacos and over to Florida...should be there end of May.

End of April...Leaving Georgetown

Today I am doing laundry on the boat so it's my fault rain is popping up unannounced and unforecasted today. Quentin has gone fishing with Amazing Grace and Nauticuss. They are 5 miles south and the rain is 5 miles south of them, so it will be here soon.
Tomorrow he has to be on shore at 8 am so he can compete in the dinghy races in the Family Island Regatta races. He's pretty excited about that...if you can actually tell when a 15-yr-old is excited. I told you that Tuesday Ross [Nauticuss] came by and yelled, "Who wants to go fishing?" Quentin was up and ready to go before Ross got stopped, so he went by himself with Nauticuss and the crew from Amazing Grace. I had to finish a sign and Rick didn't want to go fishing.
Four hours later they were back. Quentin had a 5.5 lb mahi-mahi and Jim caught one too. Ross lost his, but those two mahi-mahi fed 11 people last night!!
The best part was that Ross made Quentin fillet the fish as well. Ross showed him how to clean it without having to gut it first, and he made Quentin do both of the fish!
Quentin's rod fell apart [sorry, Jack, it just couldn't handle the fight] so Ross gave him a new fishing rod that he can use while we travel home. So Quentin can keep us in fish while we sail.
This morning, Quentin went over to the town side so he could try to get into one of the sailing dinghies, but ended up on the crash boat. The local sailing club didn't have room for him on the Class B boat, but they gave him at-shirt anyway, and told him to find another boat to crew on. He went looking for another boat, and ended up on "Lady Natalie", a boat from the Acklins Islands.
So he will actually get something for being on that boat!!! They told him to show up again tomorrow and he can race with them again!!
He's pretty happy about that. So, Granddad if you are looking for racing crew this summer...

So Regatta is over and its time to move on. we are all trying to yank up our chains and head out. We need to get to Immigration and get an extension tomorrow and hope we get enough time to get through the islands. Quentin wants to go through the Abacos so we will once again go up he island chains and over.
He didn't get to go up and get the trophy with his racing team. Apparently the "owner" of the boat gets the recognition, not the guys who actually sailed it to second place! But he has lots of memories and the captain told him he could sail with them whenever he is in the Islands and they are sailing!
SO it's time to get the servicing done so we can head out. It will be a tough 2 days saying goodbye again to our boating family.

wink emoticon

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

April 25-27 Sailing and fishing!!

April 25-27
Okay blog for 3 days...but what a three days! I have no idea what we did on Monday! I'll have to go back and think about that.

Tuesday Ross [Nauticuss] came by and yelled, "Who wants to go fishing?"  Quentin was up and ready to go before Ross got stopped, so he went by himself with Nauticuss and the crew from Amazing Grace.  I had to finish a sign and Rick didn't want to go fishing.

Four hours later they were back. Quentin had a 5.5 lb mahi-mahi and Jim caught one too. Ross lost his, but those two mahi-mahi fed 11 people last night!!

The best part was that Ross made Quentin fillet the fish as well. Ross showed him how to clean it without having to gut it first, and he made Quentin do both of the fish!

Quentin's rod fell apart [sorry, Jack, it just couldn't handle the fight] so Ross gave him a new fishing rod that he can use while we travel home. So Quentin can keep us in fish while we sail.

This morning, Quentin went over to the town side so he could try to get into one of the sailing dinghies, but ended up on the crash boat. The local sailing club didn't have room for him on the Class B boat, but they gave him at-shirt anyway, and told him to find another boat to crew on. He went looking for another boat, and ended up on "Lady Natalie", a boat from the Acklins Islands.


So he will actually get a trophy or something for being on that boat!!! They told him to show up again tomorrow and he can race with them again!!
He's pretty happy about that. So, Granddad if you are looking for racing crew this summer...

Lady Natalie from Acklins Island
The crews!

Figuring out which hand to use

Cleaning the mahi-mahi

Using the left-hand

Sunday, 24 April 2016

April 16-24

April 16-24
The last week of school was anti-climactic.  There was no interest in the students to enter the Art displays. I hope that some of them will ask in the office about it, and enter some of their work. There are some talented students there. Some of them were actually disappointed to know that I would not be there...probably because they would lose this "free" period.
Quentin didn't end up going to the birthday party. The kids didn't come to school Friday and no-one contacted him or picked him up...but Salt Shaker is here and he had a great time with Daniel and Pace. Also Bahama Mama is back so all the kids hung out together. Saturday morning Rick took him over to the Regatta site and he managed to get into one of the small sail boats and sailed all morning and most of the afternoon with the Sailing Club. I think he will be going out today as well.
We are getting lists ready to start so we can be sure we are ready to head up to the top of the Bahamas and cross over when its time. When I think of all the things we did here last year in only 6 weeks, then this winter seems much longer. The first time we came down, we were exploring; this year we had a definite destination. We also participated in a lot more activities this year.

So, now we are flipping into "going-home" mode. And it's hard to keep up the blog when I'm not sure how many people are still reading it, so if you don't hear from me, it's because nothing exciting is happening. ttyl
One Bahamas

Crew: the other two were students of mine

Only looks like a stormy day...very little rain