Friday, 30 December 2016


December 29-30
So on the 28th we went to get our exit permit and once again the last few things we forgot. When we got back the cowling was off the dinghy motor and long-story-short: it had to go back.
In the morning of the 29th the service guy picked up the motor and the replacement we were expecting never materialized. I already ranted about this on facebook]. Many of you kind friends told me not to take a bus back to Ontario, and Jeanne gave me some particularly helpful advice which I tried.
Last night around 5 pm we got the call: there was nothing wrong with the motor - final word from the service department. This morning it came back. We were already anchored out and Rick rowed against the 20+ knot winds [luckily the tide was coming in] to pick it up. I had visions of him having a heart attack on the dock but he survived...
So guess where we are NOT?! In Riverside!!! We got under the bridge, fuelled up and pulled into the anchorage just past the South Causeway Bridge...okay so we only went three miles but, hey...we anchored in daylight!
Good thing, too, because we went aground in this anchorage!! And the dinghy pushed us off the sandbar!
 [I know some of you think I make this stuff up...but I don't. If there were ever two people who should just quit while they're ahead...]
But hey, the winds have died... well, maybe not ...we are sitting behind a bank of high rise apartments,  beside a trawler that just pulled in called Loose Goose from Midland Ont. The sunset was spectacular and we are eating hot soup and drinking tea. And we might even make it to where C-Soul is anchored for New Year's Eve. Life is good...again...for now...

Goodnight, stay warm and safe! HUGS
going to get motor

one bridge down...

two bridges down

don't I look happy??

end of day!

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