Thursday, 28 January 2016

Jan 28

Jan 28
Today was a  fast day!  We had to get Quentin over to shore so he could go to school. I can't believe how much he likes it!  He spends all day in high school math classes!  He's met some of the boys who are sailing on Saturdays so I guess that's what he's doing Saturday mornings with the Bahamian boats!  He's also going to be helping one of the ladies set up stages and electrical equipment for the Regatta, and we still have to get him set up to do some tree potting and tutoring for KB's son!  Busy boy! Right now he and Rick are swimming around the big rock near us.
Today was the 22 Grade 5-6 kids for art...not bad! I at least had them doing something they thought was good if it s too easy!  Tomorrow is my full day starting t 9:15 and flipping between schools. Luckily they are about 2 minutes walk apart!
So after supper Quentin was on the back deck looking at the water with the underwater lights on and he found a squid swimming around us!  Rick caught it in the net and we took pictures of it and while it was laying on the deck, it coughed... a couple of times. We didn't want to keep it out of the water too long so we didn't get a great picture of it but it squirted when we put it back and shot off!  I guess that one won't be hanging around boats for awhile!
I can't post the pictures they took because Rick can't get them off the camera tonight so you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow but here's the squid picture!
And I gotta go and make lesson plans...for all day tomorrow!!

Not a good not ready and boat was moving

Back in the water...

and he/she squirted

Caribbean reef squid about 6 inches long 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eeww. Give me a nice pool anyway. LOL. Love ya.