Monday, 18 January 2016

January 18.Where's Quentin???

January 17  Sunday

I forgot to tell you...yesterday someone came by with a little wooden dinghy and asked if we knew anyone who wanted it. We took it because...we can get a small mast for it and we already have a small sail so Quentin will have a dinghy sailboat while he's here.

Yesterday when we got back from the beach there was a boat that pulled in beside us. I was not happy about how close he was but the guys said he was ok. This morning at 4:30 I woke up when the wind started again and looked out th window. He was VERY close to us so I woke Rick up and he went up front to look.  He said the only problem would be that his dinghy would snag our chain and make us drag a bit. I think that's a big problem but....

At 5 am the guy was up and turning on his engine to move because he was even closer! The winds keep clocking and swinging us around, so it was nerve-racking.

Turns out the boat, Easy Goin' , is from Winnipeg . Wolfe came by this morning to get some wire to fix his running lights and he is a sailing instructor. He teaches at Gimli Yacht Club all summer and sails all winter. He was in Fort Pierce and left when we did and was in Staniel Cay at Christmas too when we were there.  I still think he was still too close!!

He came by to get some wire for repairing his running light. It seems the water taxi was fixing something on his boat and didn't realize he was still moving. He hit Easy Goin' and ripped off the running light.

We sold our drag behind generator that we bought from a boat last year...we realized after we bought it that we don't do long enough crossings to make it useful. It needs deep water and we don't travel in deep water except across the Gulf Stream.  And there's another 100 lbs off the boat!!!!

We listened to Cordell's talk yesterday about the hurricane and the aftermath. When Quentin gets here we are going out to help pot the 1000 breadfruit trees that he has ready to be sent to the islands. We talked about composting too and the owner of Chat n' Chill says he will put up a composting bin for the boaters to deposit vegetable matter in...moving right along!!!

We came back to the boat and moved to town side in anticipation of me going to school in the morning and Rick going to do the grocery run. It's a lot calmer over here too right now.

I finally figured out how to use my voice activated software that comes in the computer. It works well but no-one wants to listen to me talking to myself. Now if they could invent one that reads minds !!!

Later ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, where is Quentin?? Did he arrive? How was our first day of school :) Sounds like you'll be in for a busy few months. I hope the composting efforts pan out. Sounds like they'll need some good composite material for all their tree plantings. I know, it won't be ready in time, but for future endeavours... Have you heard from Sue since she got home? TTYL love ya. B