Sunday, 3 December 2017

December 3

December 3
OMG! Already...time sure flies when you're having fun! NOT!!!
We are still trapped in a sea of boats. There are more boats blocking us now than before, and there is ongoing drama lifts that mysteriously end up with paint thinner in the fuel, cars parked behind boats to be moved and the owners are nowhere to be found, on and on and on. The issues are supposed to be resolved "in the next two days" but the weather windows are closing more quickly and its getting very tense here for ALL of us.

We are ready to go in the water...that is, we could be launched at any time...not all jobs are finished and we keep making up more things to do but we could sail away tomorrow if we could get into the water. We are in a long line of desperate boaters who want to be launched but as long as we are over there by Christmas, I will be happy.

We cleaned up the drive after we re-sealed it, and I painted it with the rubberized paint for roofs and eave troughs- this is the stuff they advertise on TV by painting a screen door with it and floating it like a boat.  Well duh!! If it works that well, I'm going to repaint the whole damn boat next year!!
I painted the cockpit a buttery cream colour...cuts down the glare from the sun and the horizontal [walking surfaces] I re-painted with Behr's white porch and floor.  If I can get the crap out of it and when the new cushions are finished I will post a picture.

Today I will finish painting the decks and Rick and Todd will sand the hull. By tomorrow we will have a new shiny yellow boat!

We took Todd to the show last week to see "Thor:Ragnarok". The theatre we went to has reclining seats, snack delivery to your seat and was stupid expensive ! But it was fun and we were the ONLY people in the theatre! They even went out to get Keurig cups and brewed coffee for us!
C-Soul arrived and we spent Thanksgiving at their marina - full spread including wine and beer ! It was delicious!!  Mark and Gail came over the following week in their motor home 'on vacation' and we drove to Vero Beach to visit Bruce and Gayleen [Pearl] in their posh marina!  We all went for dinner at Mr. Manatee's and had a great time! Mark and Gail stayed up there and the next day drove down to see us on their way home to Indiantown.

Mark and Gail have the same boat as Beguiler, Rob and Brenda, and they met last year.  After visiting we all decided to go out for dinner, and Jan and Cam [Te Amore] and Gary [Breakaway] came too. It was a hoot and we all watch Todd eat a bucket of sliders. I was not at that end of the table or I would have interceded but he actually got a tin pail with fries and 6 sliders sitting on top. Probably explains his current indigestion problem. I am trying to revise his diet but not having a lot of luck.

Before we left Canada, he bought a new book called "Timeless" He's read it twice now, about 600 pages [50-75 of which are pictures].  Jan came by yesterday with 5 more books for him to read, one of the Percy Jackson series and another series that looks really fun. So he has 5 new books to read.
TeAmore has left this morning; Beguiler is supposed to be dropped in today, so we will have no coffee breaks with them now.

Today we are going to get as many jobs done as possible. I am still working on the dinghy but I can't reach the top side. We painted it yellow and blue. Rick says we should put "IKEA" on it!  I just might!

So gotta go...hope this was enough news for you guys. I am hardly near the computer these days, too much work and the only thing I see to do is read other people's posts and deal with Regatta stuff!

Can't even SEE the road! Help!!

Boat jockeying to get others out!

Solar light made from glass dishes - not really bright but pretty!

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