Wednesday, 3 January 2018

JAn 1-3 Happy New Year


New Year's was great at Nipper's. The sky was mostly clear under a full moon and  we arrived around 5 pm for dinner. We were guests of the owners so w didn't have to pay the cover charge. We had wonderful food and a couple of drinks but we were ready to go home by 10:30. Todd was bored and his tablet was running out of juice. He couldn't talk to Casey because Casey was working.

TOdd had also been sick during the day. He slept until almost noon, got up, had a bit of yogurt, then a ginger ale because he had a headache, then threw up...mostly off the boat, but... then he slept again. I think he's just tired and unused to the boat motion.

We watched the first set of fireworks from the balcony, then we went to the boat. Got into our jammies to watch the sky. There were a few parties going on, but the music and fireworks from Nipper's were predominant in the harbour.

Next morning we were up and ready to go at 7:00 am to head back to Green Turtle to catch the Junkanoo. Met Modaki and TeAmore, Beguiler and also Leanne [Nipper's] and walked around with  Andy, Diane and Mark and Gail.

Todd ate more food and the parade was spectacular. The costumes were great and the kids beautiful!
After dinner we went over to Beguiler and played a game called Catch Phrase. What a hoot! [ Kind of like electronic "Password"- remember that old TV show with Betty White and Alan Ludden??- Charades with words. Even Todd liked it  and then we played Balderdash.
Night turned into bad weather and we've been stuck on the boat all day January 2. School work and some games; then reading and a movie or two. Our disc of Avatar doesn't work anymore - have to get a new one.
The only good thing about this storm is that the high winds have kept our batteries up! Love that wind generator!! I hope to get to town today to get some laundry done. But probably not, since the winds are supposed to get worse this afternoon. Just glad we aren't in the north Atlantic. Ireland is getting beaten up by a winter hurricane !
So today, Wednesday, 3, we will try to get more work done but it may turn out to be a crabby day... the winds are supposed to get up to hurricane force today. Yuck!


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