Thursday, 17 May 2018

Jacksonville ...waiting

Took a scenic tour of Florida last two days...the "fast" route was a nightmare...heavy rain and construction on I-95 and I-4 and we crawled over to Orlando...stopped for the night. OMG a bed that didn't move and a HOT shower!!
In the morning, more rain and construction and we got there at noon, so everyone was out to lunch except the "store" guys. One was completely miffed that the boss didn't go thru him to process it but the other one was really interested in our plight. This was the place that builds Catalina yachts and Gemini Catamarans.
This new drive is perfect. Its about 4 inches longer than ours; comes with everything except the oil to go in it, and even has a couple of extra parts! It came at a really good price and the shop has more pieces if we ever need them. Took secondary roads home...all slow speeds but no traffic.Got home at 7:55.
So today we collect all the oil and other things we need before we return the rental car... need to find a cheap temp freezer-cooler to preserve our food while we're out of the water. 

The storms here have been phenomenal...was fully expecting to see a tornado yesterday. We had to sit in the car for half an hour yesterday when we got back to the boat with the oil and groceries. It was raining so hard we couldn't see the boat. If we can find a dry time during the day after we return the car, we can move across the river and begin the installation.
All up the coast there are major storms and out over the ocean... right up into Canada. I'm seeing reports of flooding in the Bahamas too. The planet seems pretty angry on this side ...not looking forward to the challenge yet. Will feel better when the drive is working. A big trawler being delivered upnorth told us that two boats had already hit something in the ICW further north, so we will probably go outside to avoid stuff floating in the river. Not a decision we need to make for a couple more days. The bigger issue is to keep the freezer frozen while we haul out.  One problem at a time...

Today we did the smartest thing we've done in a long time...renewed our BOAT US membership [that we would never have had 4 years ago, if not for Derek & Julie McCallum----thank you!]. I've tried to convince RIck to renew it several times...this time I insisted and it made an impression. This ought to ensure that we have no more issues until we are completely out of the USA and Towboat jurisdiction...Lake Ontario.
Still trying to avoid major storms..these photos don't show you how black it really was because the camera compensates for low light. TOmorrow we move over to be hauled. There is another huge boat behind us breaking the waves rolling up the river in the tide. We appreciate that!!! Turned in the rental and got a ride back through the historic district...the guy who drove us back grew up in Mayport [where we are actually] so he knew all the scenic streets. Lovely town. Tonight more of same...rain, thunderstorms, wish I was driving home...oh well...hope to see Will and Cheryl {Varua} this weekend...will be a treat to see someone we know!!!
The storms are non-stop

And the camera compensates for low light so you can't tell how lack these were !

Regular weekday and night traffic

THis old lady hauls lines, handles the driving platform and directs traffic 6 hours a day! THere's hope for me yet!

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