Tuesday, 7 November 2023

 So ... update. Apparently I will live. Today is my last day of antibiotics and my PICC line gets removed tomorrow. Still have issues with my hands. Feels like I'm wearing gloves -can't really feel anything with detail, and anything more than lukewarm water burns. The surface skin on my quads is still numb and my feet also have numb spots.My skin still is still mottled and I look like an [old wrinkled] alien - Zindi comes to mind [Star Trek Enterprise ref]. And I am still losing my hair. [My sister is not sympathetic].

So no idea what happens next. Haven't found a local gp to replace my Owen Sound doctor. I went to went Owen Sound for a "follow-up" but my doctor didn't bother to show up. The doctor who did show up tried to tell me that there was no information about my hospital stays in Trenton or London but when I told her that the OS clinic had confirmed they had received all the info, including blood work results, she backtracked. The best she could tell me was "nerve damage [ ref. hands and fingers] takes about a year to heal and that's as good as it gets", and " very sorry this happened to you but there's not much we can do." She was out of the room before I could stand up.
SO..one more time... do your own research - get a second opinion - whatever it takes to be sure you know what you're being prescribed and why!!
PS the only good thing is my nails are hard as daggers. But it hurts if I stick myself accidentally because my skin is so sensitive! lol
Its lovely here in London - still warm, no snow. Good thing bcuz we couldn't find our winter clothes in the storage unit! Next week we will go to Kingston to finish winterizing the Goose. *sigh*
take care all!

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