Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Next step heading south

NEXT STEP: we’ve decided to go with the new motor. This one is probably worth fixing but if there are things we, as backyard mechanics, can’t do for it...that’s what will go on it. And we don’t have suppliers or contacts in the Caribbean.

When we get a new engine, we PROMISE it will be taken care of. I have a few brothers who might not believe that, but at this stage of life there are some lessons we have learned well. We did our best with this one ... just too late!

We are leaving the Soo in the morning and heading as far south as the wind will take us before dark. It’s a Northwest wind right now which means it will be at our backs. Hopefully we won’t have lumpy seas. Apparently Todd is more nervous of waves than he has let on, but it’s been a few days since he’s been on the boat. He’s also homesick in that he misses kids and siblings (Mom too).

 Todd and I went to the Bushplane Museum and saw some awesome planes and other machines! See pics!

Rick has finished the oil change and the servicing, as much as he can do. It started fine and still sounds the same, only loud! We are waiting for Yanmar to let us know how long for the new motor. Liz thinks we should stay OUT of Georgian Bay but I think we might risk Tobermory if we can find a space.

Geoff is coming for dinner again tonight. Last night he and Todd went to the movies and had dinner when they got back.  I expect Todd to have a meltdown tonight or tomorrow when he realizes that Dad will be staying here after we leave.

Catch y’all later. Happy sails!

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