DAY 8 Continued...
It’s 8:30 am and Todd has been sleeping since 9pm. And it’s
getting colder. The universe must have decided we don’t want to swim today.
Last night at dusk we were surrounded by hundreds of seagulls. I guess we must
have been sitting on their fishing spot.
This morning a flock of grackles swooped in and attacked the
sumac berries. The ground cover on these islands seems to be poison ivy. It was
growing right down to the water’s edge in some spots on the beach. Yes, Mom, we were careful. We have calamine
lotion and rubbing alcohol, just in
Todd just wolfed down his breakfast and headed to the front
of the boat with his fishing rod.
We are still doing minor renovations... we have power and
lights now. AC and DC ! the solar panel is working extremely well. In fact we
met someone in Little Current with the same solar panel who told us he never
turns on his wind generator because he doesn’t need it.
We decided to head out for Gore Bay. The fish have
disappeared and Todd is anxious to catch some. We readied the boat for sailing.
It took an hour...good to know. We need to decide at least two hours ahead of
time when we want to move!
We left Clapperton Island at 2:45 pm and motored through the
buoys. The water is so shallow we couldn’t risk sailing it and going aground.
Once we passed the last buoy, we shut off the motor and sailed. It was rough
and this time Todd felt the waves a bit. He sipped on ginger ale and sat in the
cockpit. It took 2 ½ hours to reach the bottom of Gore Bay. We anchored and
went ashore. The docks are expensive here too...$1.75/ft . Todd found another
“favourite” restaurant and a park. When
we got back to the boat we played cribbage again. He almost beat me!
Ugh! Grey...misty and dead calm in here this morning. We are
going for groceries and to give Todd some land time with his scooter. Rick
needs to get a fuse for the radar and micro-switch for the pressure pump. Then we’ll see how the day looks for moving
on. We could try for Meldrum Bay or Cockburn Island.
Success! A fuse for the radar! No micro-switch...apparently
our pump is too old. So we either replace it now or do without for a while. No
big deal..we have foot pumps for the water tanks. We did some shopping at
Valu-Mart and got the boat ready for morning. We left Todd at the Park at the
end of the dock run so he could scooter and get some shore time.
DAY 10
It’s hard to tell the weather when you can’t see over the
land surrounding the bay. We headed out
around 8:30. All of the other boats were
still at their anchors or docks. The
radio is not picking up and weather of use. The forecast is always the
same: winds North or west, chance of
rain with chance of thunderstorms. How long do you wait for a chance? When we
rounded the cape, the wind was directly out of the west, and the sky was
menacing. We beat into the wind for about
3 hours and still couldn’t make our way point. We tried tacking out and
back but that didn’t get us any headway, so we turned and went back to Gore
Bay. This is the sky that followed us in...
Luckily it passed right over us in the bay, but out
on the water it was apparently pretty wild! (talked to a boater who was at the
Benjamins when it went through).
We waited at anchor until the next day and left.
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