Sunday, 1 March 2015

March 1 SUnday

March 1, 2015

Wow, already !!!  Time flies when you’re on a schedule!This will be short and sweet.

We came back through the bridge and into the ICW this morning around 9 am and headed down the river towards ft. Lauderdale or, as the officer at HS called it “Ft. Lahdeedah”

It rained on and off all the way down the canal, and we had no excitement until we reached the New River. Gail had advised that me to take a Valium before  entering the river.  

The pics you will see show a staggering amount of wealth here. The sad part is that the value of ONE of these boats would pay for a whole year’s worth of school lunch programs across the county there or here; or provide enough money to pay for a cleanup of the derelict boats in the river; or build a new hospital.

We are sitting in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. We had showers and tomorrow I will do the laundry. We will stay here tomorrow night and then head out in he morning for Miami or the Bahamas... not sure which yet. Tomorrow we also need groceries and some sightseeing because it’s an intriguing city.

The downtown section of the river was like driving in a very narrow street. There were water taxis, tour boats, stupid huge mega-yachts and little fishing boats and paddle boards all running up and down and back and forth. What a rush! It was great fun! And I didn’t hit anyone.

We passed the marina and had to turn around and head back. I call the marina while Rick turned the boat then I took it and tried to park us in a slip. I was right at the bridge with big boats coming at me and trying to back up to take a good run at the slip without hitting the monster sailboat behind me. No sweat!! OK, maybe a little!
Goin' fishin'

Our mast did not come up to the first spreader. This boat is 2 1/2times bigger than ours

Water taxi

Parallel parking on the river

Can you SEE the people standing on the floor above the garage?

Tour boat

Painting on the bridge

Maybe tiles, not sure

Nothing stops.

Parked behind us. Did not hit them!!

Enjoy the pics!! We had fun getting them! It's 11:00 pm and the bridge is still opening and closing and there are still people running up and down the river, partying.

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