Tuesday, 14 April 2015

April 13-14

April 13 cont’d

This morning on the “Net I asked if Sue, the Net controller was going to arrange another taxi ride to the “Rake and Scrape” but she said she wasn’t going , so she asked if I would volunteer? What could I say? So all morning I was getting called from people who wanted a taxi ride. I had 35 people at one point and called Elvis the harbourmaster-water taxi. He was going to have to bring two boats but at 4:30 pm 5 people cancelled  so I had to call him back and tell him  so he only brought one over.  It takes us about 15 minutes in the dinghy to get over to the main island. Granted we are slow but if you have a faster motor it still takes 10 minutes and returning you get soaking wet because you are pounding into the waves.  When we take the taxi it still takes 15 minutes but you can be stupid drunk [a lot of them were] and be safe and dry. At $8:00 each return it’s a good deal for us; and a great deal for him!
Amazing Grace - Jim & Cheryl from Brighton Ont

Flamingo with Ross from Meaford Ont

Jasmine City from Rhode island with Stefan, Captain from France

We stayed in town for awhile after my PC shut down. Checked out zinc lip protector. We both need some before the one we have run out. But it’s pretty expensive here: $8:00 a tube.  We had to go into one of the stores like “Deals” yesterday and while we were there, the clerk/owner was sorting out stuff from Wal-Mart bags.  So they have to go to the mainland and buy stuff from Wal-Mart to sell over here. What an awful way to have to shop! And I bet they don’t get a Wal-mart discount either!

While we were in town Jasmine City and Amazing Grace were looking for us. They were all going sailing on the big Lagoon 45. Rats! We were too late to go back and go with them. But Stefan says he will take the 3 of us out later in the week. He is going to be here until the 5th of June.

Last night was great. We put three long tables together and got as many boaters as we could,[mostly Canadian] sitting together. Some preferred not to sit with us and I understand completely!  “We” were pretty loud and obnoxious. At one point I apologized to the waitress but she said she loved it busy and noisy. I think she was just being polite!

The music was fun when it started. There is a kid / young man/ called Shadow and he tried to kill all the old women there. He was doing hip-hop moves made trying to make them keep up.  When it came to my turn we did jive so I wasn’t quite so worn out but I was puffing pretty good!  I managed to teach our Stefan some jive moves and at half the pace we did pretty well. He’s a fast learner! I found my mystery dancer from last week. We had half a dance and then he moved on, I think to his wife, so it was fun. Rick had just enough to drink that he finally got into the swing and we did some “jive”/ rock and roll as well, but not nearly as aggressively as the ‘regulars’.

 We all managed to walk back to the boat, and back to our respective boats without incident... i.e no-one fell overboard or out of their dinghies from the dinghy dock. So it was another successful night. I sometimes wonder what the locals think of us delinquent tourists. Someone called Georgetown “daycare for adults”. The only downside was I lost one of my anklet there. It was a breast cancer support one that I got when Dad was sick, so it had a bit of sentimental attachment.

We are installing four more solar panels today. We go them from Jasmine City for an unbelieveable deal. They had theirs replaced for free because theirs were not perfect, [new boat] and Stefan says they will keep our batteries well-up without worrying about a generator. YAY! And they will fit alongside our panel on the dodger.

It was a quiet Net this morning. Most everyone is hung-over and/or still sleeping. But Ross was awake this morning to listen to the Net, and as drunk as he was last night he found my anklet!!  I think he was hoping it was one of the unattached women sailors. Lol !Actually one of the staff found it under our table and gave it to him to return.

Today we or I am going sailing with them. Stefan is probably going to sail Ross’ boat to see how his spinnaker works. Rick wants to install the panels and monitor the batteries. I am going to see how many are going sailing. I hate crowded boats unless people are serious about what they’re doing, and none of this crowd is serious.

So on my way to town to get more stuff done. ttyl

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