Friday, 24 April 2015

April 23

April 24, 2015
This morning started off as usual with listening to the Net. We lent out oil pump to a new boat that had come in and needed to change his engine oil. As he was leaving the boat [he was only couple of boats away] another dinghy came u
Just heavy rain

Just heavy rain

 Doug Ryan

Sitting on the anchor
p. It was Doug Ryan! They had just dropped anchor near the boat with the huge Canadian Naval ensign who happened to be a friend of the owner of Furling Around!
They visited with us for about half an hour and then had to g. They were having trouble with their holding tanks and had to get pumped out. Unfortunately the Exuma Yacht club here has no pump out service and the pump out boat has been broken for about two weeks so they had to backtrack 12 miles to the other marina here.  They left from there and are well on their way south to the Turks and Caicos then further south. Fair winds, Furling Around.
We didn’t get to town in time to get to the historical tour, but on the way over we got soaking wet. It appears that we have entered into the rain season. The last two days have been cloudy and humid, wit thunderhead building up, and moving away.
Today someone came over Channel 68 to say that there was a waterspout out at North Cut. Of course, by the time anyone figured out which direction North Cut would be, or did they mean North Rock at the South Cut, no-one saw it.
We moved the boat over to the harbour this afternoon. The water over here is so clear and calm today that we can see the anchor and we are sitting on top of it. We went to town tonight to watch the festivities. The Junkanoo dance was at 10 pm but we didn’t stay. Tomorrow is the costume dance and we will go to that.  

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