Friday, 24 April 2015

April 24 Happy Birthday Ben & Alex

April 24, 2015 [the real one] HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX & BEN
See, completely lost track of days.
You would think I would know that yesterday was the 23rd because today is the 24th, Ben and Alex’s birthday [s?]. Besides, if I look at the toolbar, it tells me as well.
Today it has rained all day. That’s good because this island was VERY dry. And the rain is warm and the air is warm and there is no mud! All the island is sand so there is no muck to get picked up on your shoes and tracked in. When it does stop periodically the sun comes out and it is so hot you dry up instantly!
The bad thing is: when it does stop periodically, the sun comes out and it is so hot you dry up instantly!
This morning we went to the meat market in the back of a pickup truck…haven’t done that since I was on the farm and it was an odd feeling to be going that fast!! Maybe 30mph? There were about 8 of us. I wore my OtherGoose shirt so everyone knew who were we… “the pretty yellow catamaran”.  One guy, a very impatient New Zealander,  with his son, used to own a Prout. And was telling us about it. Interesting guy but quite rude with the driver of the meat truck. He was about a half hour late picking us up, [which he does as a service so we don’t have to pay for a cab to get to his store!] I got the feeling the NZ’er doesn’t like indigenous peoples…had a bad experience with Maoris?
The rain has put a damper on the races because when it rains there is no wind, and the sails get wet and heavy. So they will postpone until the rain stops. So everyone can party until then. Rick sat out in the dinghy with the Go-Pro [in the rain]flming what he could of the races.
Tonight is Junkanoo Costume night. All the costumes are made from cardboard and decorated. I hope it stops raining by tonight! Last night the music was almost unbearable. It was loud… “Stars on 45”.  I could recognize songs that had been re-done to the Caribbean beat, and there weren’t any breaks in it, [DJ] until the live bands started at 10 but we were home by then. They actually sounded great out on the boat about a ¼ mile way.
I have to say I was always fond of “Bling”, but I am sick of sparkling all the time now…the persistent salt sparkle is annoying and sticky!  Will let you know how tonight shapes up. ttyl

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