Thursday, 17 December 2015

December 17, Thursday must be Nassau

 So, I'm wondering what we did to piss off Poseidon/ Neptune or just the universe in general.
When we left Bimini Monday, we bobbed half way across the bank in no wind. We even stopped the boat half way so Quentin could swim in the middle of the panic ... it was only 15 feet deep.  We decide to anchor there because it was calm and we don't really want to go at night if it's not necessary. We were half way, as I said.

The next day we experienced the same minimal/ no winds so it was motoring again. We came off the banks and into deep water...1000+ feet, so there was no place to stop. OF course that meant another 20 miles because it had taken all freaking day in no wind!!!

 As we approached Morgan's Bluff on Andros Island  at the end of the afternoon, the winds came up to 12-15 on the nose [that means whatever direction we chose to go the wind comes from that direction]and because we were trying to get into a narrow unmarked channel with rocks on both sides.  There was a lovely calm harbour, and we dropped the kayak so Q could go off kayaking.

IN the morning we let him swim for a while, because it was only 20 miles down to West Bay on New Providence and we figures that we could decide from there whether to go to Nassau or Coral Bay Marina. Well, the next morning we called information to find that there in fact is no coral bay Marina sow e had to go to Nassau and what direction is the wind coming from??? Yup...16 miles took us 6 hours. AND the only Marina we could get into is $3.00 a foot!!! But we need to be at a dock so we can catch a cab in the morning to get Quentin to the airport. We will be leaving here at 9 am because I KNOW what "island time" is like. If I thought it would help we'd go there tonight to sleep. Do I sound a little aggravated?  Next year when we do this, we will leave in November to get down here before the "Christmas Winds" start and we will NOT BE ON ANYONE'S SCHEDULE    but our own!

OK, but back up. In Morgan's Bluff harbour, when Rick pulled up the anchor, there was a gold chain wrapped around the float ball...bonus! Not sure if it's real gold but...and I said "thank you" to Poseidon!

Quentin found an enormous starfish and had a great time photographing it and snorkelling in the bay.

When we got here and I opened the email, there was a note from Waterway Guide that they were publishing my article on the iguanas AND paying for it! Inspiration to create more.

There were three cruise ships in the harbour when we went through. I think Quentin finally was speechless ...the size was mindboggling! 11 stories high and 119 rooms down each side that he counted. We didn't even mention the inside cabins.

So yes, Barb, I may sound like I'm not having fun, and no, it's not because we can't swim naked with Quentin around.[Thanks for that image, LIZ] I wish Quentin was staying with us. I miss my family at this time of year. I'm sad that we won't be with y'all at Christmas. I am nostalgic for Thunder Bay, even though I'm not fan of snow; Christmas there was magical, especially spending time with our neighbours and family there too. This is the first year I don't seem to be inspired to write a Christmas poem. [Be careful what you wish for].

I miss our sailing buddies, C-Soul and Pearl, Beguiler and Magic, Anneteak and Modaki and am not sure that we will be together at Christmas in time for a dinner. I'm not sure that with these winds WE will be there. I know that there are people in the anchorages at Georgetown who were there last year and we will renew acquaintances, but Jasmine City and Nauticuss and Amazing Grace are not going to be there, either.

It's hard to be happy ALL the time, y'know.  Besides if nothing went wrong, how boring would THAT be!
So Rick and Quentin have gone off to the bank. I have just finished this and my invoice to WWG, and will try to figure out what to have for supper. This won't be easy... we are 50 feet from a restaurant called Crocodile's, and I have discovered that beer does not affect me, even the locally brewed Kalik which is WAY cheaper than the imported stuff. And it's hot and I'm tired of cooking. We had fried chicken and hash browns and veggies last night. The night before, we ate bacon and eggs and beans and before that I made chicken Parmesan and spaghetti. So, do I rate a night out y'think?

I will tty before we leave here just to confirm Q is on the plane. Now it's time to check and see where the wind will be tomorrow. Any guesses???

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