Thursday, 24 December 2015

December 24

December 24 "Christmas Winds"

Doesn't that sound romantic or intriguing? Doesn't it make you want to hear more?  Christmas Winds SUCK! They are flippy, gusting from 15 to 30 out of the east to the south, push up the waves to 2-4 feet  and seem to follow the tracks in the Explorer charts, which means that if you are heading down the island chain you pound into them.

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone.  I doubt very much that I will be posting in the next two-three days, depending on where we are.

OK, today we left Wardrick Wells anchorage and made for Blackpoint, but once again the "Christmas winds" were on the nose straight out of the southeast and we were not capable of making the 22 miles before everything closed on Christmas Eve. 

Here's the thing: Staniel Cay is VERY commercial so they are open today and tomorrow to cater to us tourists, which we didn't expect, so we got here as early as possible to get some fruit and fuel.

BUT for all it's touted to be Staniel Cay has NO banks or banking machine so if you didn't get enough cash in Nassau...guess what? Oh, and most of the stores only take cash, but the Yacht Club will give you a cash advance on your credit card.

It also has the worst freaking docks I have ever seen. I cannot get back on the boat until the tide comes in because I cannot reach it. When I am on the boat, the dock is over my head. I managed to climb up the docking pole and squirm my way onto the dock on my stomach but I cannot get back down because the tide has gone out even further than when we got here. We are paying $2.00 a foot for this!

AND there is no shower facility. The only consolation is that no-one else here has had a shower either...oh, wait, they all own mega yachts so they probably have had a shower!

PLUS you have to pay for the internet separately!! So I will post this from my own phone.

We had to pre-order dinner but I decided that it would be my Christmas present and his. We aren't sure where we will be tomorrow so thought a good dinner today was in order.

OK so Merry Christmas. A great DAY with your family and friends wherever you are. 

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