Tuesday, 29 December 2015

yay Georgetown Tuesday Dec 29

Tuesday December 29

It 6:45 am and the bay is very calm...winds are at 10 knots right now dropping every so often to 7-8.  It rained very hard at around 4 this morning and the winds came up but it's still early and the sun hasn't had time to heat up the air.

There are huge rays swimming around the boat, waiting for us to leave them something? It's beautiful here and if we didn't HAVE to get to Georgetown, I could sit here for a few days. But we need bread and fruit and I need a chocolate bar. Beguiler left us a bag of Snicker bites when they left...they are gone, Quentin, sorry. It's been 4 days since my last chocolate...

So we started off and wended our way though Children's Cay, Rat Cay and got to the Rat  Cay Cut, which "everyone" says is the best of all cuts [passages to the ocean, in an east -to-south wind so of course, because we believe what the internet tells us, "we' decided to go out there. The cut is a deep channel 15-25 feet but its only 10 feet wide!  And when "we" decide to go out there was an incoming tide along with the surf ad 20 knot winds. Some fun huh, Bambi?

I got us out and promptly handed the helm to Rick. And we spent the next hours travelling 14 miles in... you got it...20 knots on the nose and HUGE swells. The waves may only have been 1-3 feet but the Swells were at least 6 -8 feet high. Not too bad if you could figure out the rhythm but every quarter mile the pattern shifted. We managed 2.5-3.5 miles an hour...try doing that in your car for a half hour and you'll understand how tortuous it can be.

So not to make a big deal of this but a few days ago, I was trying to hook the bridal rope through the chock and when I leaned over the front pulpit, the boat came up to meet me or rather my ribs, very hard so I have been having a hard time moving around. Ricks back pain pills help a little but I can't drink when I take them...just kidding Barb. It's easier to stand up rather than sit so I spend a lot of time on the helm where I can do two things at once.\
We are in Georgetown and Salt Shaker saw us coming. Daniel and Pace were apparently jumping up and down and screaming when they saw us. We will see them tomorrow Quentin, and Daniel says he'd rather have you here than anything else.

We also made contact with Jasmine City and will deliver the stuff to them tomorrow. Then we will get our supply of fruit veggies and bread and cheese, and begin the process of cleaning and maintaining the systems. 

The anchorage is rougher than we've been in for a while but we are here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well I'm glad you made it. Now maybe you can enjoy your time. I hope you keep an eye on those ribs. Don't take any chances. I guess if Q knows that Daniel is there waiting he'll be anxious to get back. We had some snow and freezing rain here last night, but it is almost all gone. Supposed to get more snow by the weekend, but not a lot. The ski resorts are finally getting a day of runs in, but not sure how long they'll be able to maintain the snow. Anyway, have a good night, and a great day tomorrow. Enjoy your fruit and veggies. Keep calm, and carry on. Love you, hugs. Barb and Dan.