Monday, 28 March 2016

Happy Easter weekend

March 26
So Saturday was pretty traumatic all 'round. Cheryl was in Nassau with Jim and got her arm 'slung' because she broke the top of the humerus right near the socket.
I went to the meat market with everyone and picked up the stuff we needed. They had no hams so I picked one up in the Exuma market. It was pretty salty by the time it was prepared.
Ross came over for supper and then we went over to his boat with Singing Frog [Carla and Skye] and played dominoes until 12:30. Quentin was on Singing Frog watching movies until Sky brought him home.
A normal Sunday morning ...the businesses were open in the usual Sunday times, and Chat 'n Chill did it's normal pig roast. The beach was completely crowded with resort people. The beach was lined with their huge tenders. There are three "City ships" out there...the three-story ones that look like a city at night with all their lights! One the little kids on a sea-doo swamped Rick in the dinghy and he had to come back and change before we went for dinner.

Sometimes I HATE this place. No wonder boaters stay away from this beach. The only reason we are this close is so all the kids can get to the beach easily. I can't tell you how many times I have burnt myself when the boat pitches because one of those resort boats comes screaming through the anchorage. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way!

We decided we needed to something about Amazing Grace. Cheryl wasn't going to be able to stay on the boat with the wind and waves bouncing it all over. We all have had an uncomfortable few weeks with the incessant rocking and bucking.

We took the dinghy into the hurricane holes to find a spot where they would be better on a mooring ball. I called one boat and asked for the number of the owner of the balls, and Jasmine City heard me. Bicher called me to say that Amazing Grace could have the one at St. Francis that was his until April 16. So we called Ross [Nauticuss] and Rick, Ross, Bicher and Quentin moved Amazing Grace into the hole.  Cheryl got back and they are set up in there.

The owner of the ball came over before they got there and told Ross and Rick to get off the mooring ball.  They explained what happened, but he didn't care. Later Bicher went over to talk to him, and got it sorted out.

We all [Blue Heavens, Nauticuss and us] went for dinner on Andante [Sue and Tom from Phoenix, AR] and had a great Easter dinner. There were baked potatoes, ham, green beans with French fried onions, Ross made pineapple pears and fresh bread. We will take some over for Jim and Cheryl later.
We told lots of stories about boating, people we had met; found out about people we knew. It was a great night. We all left around 9 pm.

Today is a very quiet day. EVERYTHING is closed - ? This is their holiday day. Even the wind has dropped and the seas are quiet. We will go over to see if we can help Cheryl, and then I have to clean the boat!
So I need to turn this off NOW! and get some work done.

Friday, 25 March 2016

March 24-25

March 24-25
Yesterday morning when I stopped at the school, the kids were NOT there...they did have the week off, sort of. Monday Tuesday were sports days, Wednesday I don't teach anyway and yesterday they got off at noon, but I teach in the afternoon. The principal told me that there was a great art display to be done for April 24 and she was hoping that there would be lots of kids entered. No pressure!!
Later, we went for lunch with a friend and had a great time. We talked a lot about politics and boating.  It is very interesting to hear an outsider's opinion of our new Prime Minister...especially from someone whom I would have expected to be Conservative/Republican. He likes Trudeau and his attitude so far.
 We met HI5 in the grocery store who asked us how the boys were doing. I panicked because she had them over night, and she laughed... wicked sense of humour, that one!!
We came over to the island and dropped anchor. We went ashore to find Amazing Grace. They had some Mahi-mahi for us that they had caught. We were going to have it for supper but the boys ate on HI5 so we will eat it tonight.
We went over to Nauticuss and met some more new people. They have a big power cruiser and they are from Phoenix: Sue and Tom [Andante]
When I looked at facebook, I saw a tag for Yvonne and Joe [Modaki] by someone they know.  Oddly enough there was a comment by someone whose name I recognized from many, many years ago in Thunder Bay. ["Outhouse' is NOT a common name outside of Nova Scotia, where there are thousands!]
SO here's the bad thing about Facebook: I was able to follow his name back to his facebook page to find out who he was, and sure enough, he's the guy who managed to tricked me into signing up for a Community Policing committee!
 We went to a demonstration of all the cool cop equipment, and he said he needed to track the visitors, and I should sign the list.  Next thing I knew, I was going to meetings and volunteering to be the Chairman. Thanks AL, I loved that volunteer job! I made some great friends because of it and I will NEVER forget the red earrings!!!
Connor stayed with us last night, when they finally came home from HI5 and the boys slept in the cockpit.   The seas were so rolly that both boys slid off the cushions. Quentin moved into his bunk but I couldn't wake up Connor so I can't say that they slept well, although they slept soundly!
Today I am going to put all the cushions from the salon and the cockpit on the deck. It is so humid, everything feels wet. If the sun is out, it will be hot and dry.
So, already this morning we have lent out our little motor to someone who's dinghy motor quit; fed the boys and made the beds. Not bad for 9 am.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

March 23-24

March 21
Today was a sad day for Quentin and Connor... Cookie Monster left.  Quentin went to their hotel in the morning and hung out until they got the cab to the airport.  I wasn't there but Rick said he ws quite quiet when he came back.

I went with Jillian to the Exuma Foundation and helped pack food boxes for some needy families, then we delivered them with another Jill from Australia and went for lunch down on Little Exuma Island. It was fabulous, thank you Jillian and Jill!!

Jill is an artist who is also interested in working with the kids. YAAAAY!

They have STUPID RULES on this island!!!! She can't give lessons to kids or adults who want them, or sell her own paintings on the internet because they might have been painted here in the islands. She can't even have meetings with friends to gather together and have a painting group in case someone brings a bottle of wine as payment for her advice or help!  My response would have been "So I'll tell you when they are being held and you can show up and drink your portion of the bribe!!!"

You would think that with all of the Bahamians who come to Canada and the States for school, work and other things, they would realize that the only way a community survives is to incorporate all the talents and skills of its members and share those skills and ideas. That's what started civilization and moved us humans into communities out of wandering hunters in the first place! I guess in all the business courses they took, no-one introduced the Sociology of Community.

They also don't realize that if all the boaters and all the ex-Pat's pulled out there would be a lot less money in the islands...oh...going to Cuba next year??? Isn't it better have visiting people here supporting the local businesses who have to pay to import their goods, than selling to just the local people.

I had a great day by myself, and so did Rick. He got the laundry done and impressed the women! 
Quentin went with Connor on HI5 so they could commiserate together over their Rubik's cubes, and we will get him in the morning.

Did I mention that I am going to be the Net controller for the last 2 weeks of April? Everyone who has done it is heading back to Canada...yes there are mostly Canadians here. I volunteered because we will be here until April 30, then start heading north as well.

Today I will go to the school and drop off a box of stuff ... mostly recycling supplies for the school. IF the winds calm down EVER we will make an attempt to go to Rum Cay, but this has been a very unusual winter here. The last two days have been an October Day in the north.
T.J,, Q, Connor and Johny

Cubes and electronics

Quentin coming to town from the boat

Cookie Monster taking them away

So we are going to head over to the other side after that, and spend the day cleaning the boat, and Finding Quentin...[kind of like Finding Nemo].

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Some latest activities

Some photos of the latest activity!
Me and Jeannie working on the regatta 

Beach marker for Flip-Flop beach

Tiki Bar at Flip Flop

Lord of the Flies convention

Can't imagine why they bugs were attracted to them

After a day on the schoolyard in the hot sun...needed some babying on my face
Quentin moving the big boat when we need to spin in low winds

March 20-22

March 20
Ok today we need to go find Quentin. He is on HI5 and in Red Shanks, with Connor. HI5 is another Canadian boat, and Connor was one of the first kids he met. He left with Connor and his Dad yesterday morning to catch up with Myel who was flying back to the Yukon yesterday. We went to help check the beach for fire and wood and stuff the kids might have left. When we came back to let the other boats know it was all done, HI5 said Connor and Quentin were on Stocking Island with their dinghy. We had told Quentin to stop at the boat and get whatever he needed... water bottle, lunch etc.  We called him several times while we were at Red Boone, meeting with Jeannie but he never answered and when we got back to Stocking Island, to pick him up, we called again and HI5 told us he was with them in Red Shanks, and could he stay for the night? I feel like we've passed him around to all the kid boats and the only reciprocation is when they have movies nights on other boats, I send him with a big bowl of popcorn. Everyone insists it's great having him around...unfortunately he will also be reading this...don't let it go to your head, Quentin. Connor has no-one to "play" with either, so it's good for both of them and they are Rubiks nerds. ;)
Today we were going to get a pot of seedlings from Cordell and find out what the plan is for Rum Cay. Bu he didn't bring them, which is good. Lee on Alesto wants us to meet him in Blackpoint so we can transfer Quentin to his boat and he will have a crew on the way to Rum Cay. But that adds an extra day to our trip...not that we are in a hurry but we need to be prepared to do an overnight and the winds need to be good. Lee is also not feeling well and Quentin is too inexperienced to leave him on someone else's boat as the only crew.  We need to re-think the Rum Cay run.
Connor is with us tonight. TJ from Cookie Monster is coming over for dinner but Connor will sleep over. They watched 2012 and were all creeped out by it. I pointed out a couple of times that a] this was already 2016 and b] it's only a movie...although reports of the Siberian craters, holes in Nebraska and all the sinkholes in Florida may be warning signs....still it was a good movie!
The boys went over to Cookie Monster this morning with their snorkelling gear to help Tim clean the boat. Tim told them he would provide the Margueritas and pay them.  Apparently Quentin invented makeshift SCUBA equipment to help them stay under longer...a take-off on "Pirates" upside-down rowboat manoeuvre --he used a bucket.
Mary called us all to tell us the boys could all sleepover tonight [personally I think she is certifiable!] She is making a huge pot of pasta so we took over the last of our popcorn. We packed up Connor's stuff, Q's stuff some blankets pillows and cockpit cushions for them to use. They are leaving tomorrow -- going to shore for the night before they fly home to the States. The boys are all quite sad about that.
We went to shore to catch the meat truck...missed it, so we helped take down the Regatta stand and move all the equipment back to the warehouse. BY about 3 pm the storm started to move in and winds went up to 20-25 knots. We got back to the island side and let Cookie Monster know we would bring all the stuff she needed. We went to check on Jasmine City as well...all good. So we came home, had dinner, watched a movie and slept!
While we were in town I noticed that the kids were at school!! Now why would the teachers tell me that they were out for 2 weeks???
So today, the weather is still kicking up. I listened to a rely in the middle of the night...a boat trying to get into the harbour [8 miles out] had run out of fuel and was trying to sail against the stormy winds to get into shallow water. I heard him again this morning sailing up the bay to find a spot so it took him about 6 hours to find a spot. Apparently he was taking on water and out of fuel. The boats who heard him tried to get Search and Rescue and the Coast guard to respond but in the end one of the boats out here got him inside and anchored.
There was no response from either the SAR or the Coast Guard...kinda scary.
Anyway, today is busy. We need to get the boys off Cookie Monster so Mary can clean the boat. We need to go to Jasmine City to check it out. I probably should go to the school but I think I will spend the time working on MY boat for a change. I need to get some cleaning and baking done for me.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

March 18-19

MARCH 18 Friday
Today we worked on English and Careers. The ILC careers book Quentin has to work in is not very good. It is very biased and directive. It's also very old... written in 2007 and the websites it tells him to go to don't work anymore. So we have to go searching the net to find other appropriate sites. Will have to see what we can do about finding stuff. And most of the sites are interactive so we have to sit on the internet while he figures out the answers.  Not good!
In the afternoon we dropped him off on the beach while we went to town to pick up a few groceries for his kids' dogs, marshmallows. The kids wanted to sleep on the beach at FLipFLop beach. They have a big tiki hut with poles so the kids all hung hammocks and took blankets.  There were 5 of them ranging in age from 12 to 16. We all put our radios on Channel 5 in case they needed to call. At about 2:30 am one of the kids called Cookie Monster and Singing Frog. Tim answered but the kids couldn't hear us, so Tim came by and got one our radios to take to them. He said everything was fine but all the kids wanted to go home, they dropped Quentin off here. We will go and clean up the beach in the morning before we go back down to town.
I am starting to get restless. I hope that the winds are favourable next week so we can get over to Rum Cay and drop off the trees and see if there is anything we can do. Not that I want to be there long but I need to change venue. The local kids have two weeks off for Easter so we won't be needed there. Stephane and Angelica won't be back for awhile and C-Soul and Beguiler have gone.
Yesterday Thomas from Brousel [German boat] came by and offered us his spinnaker. He had sold it to someone else who ended up not wanting it, so he asked if we wanted to try it. It works great but it is much smaller than the one we got from Bamboo. However, it also is in great shape. IF we keep both we will be much better equipped for light winds and won't have to motor so much.
After noon and after we go to clean up the beach, I have to meet Jeannie from Blue Heavens, to go over the Cruisers' Regatta info so I am a little bit prepared for next year being Co-chairman of the Regatta. Did I already tell you that somehow I got that job?? NO idea how that happened! I guess we're coming back here.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

St. Urho's Day 16th and St.Paddy's Day 17th

Happy Green Beer Day, and to you serious Irishmen, Happy St. Patrick's Day! We missed the Ides of March but as far as I know no-one noticed, except maybe Marco Rubio, who lost again to Trump. Property values in Canada are going to skyrocket when all those Americans come up claiming refugee status!!! Yeehaw!! Maybe that will make our Canadian dollar worth something again!!!
ON St. Paddy's Day, I know that there is great Bluegrass band called FLIPPER FLANAGAN'S FLAT-FOOTED FOUR playing somewhere in Thunder Bay and if you can find them, you should go!  In around 1970-1972 we spent every Friday night [yeah, so long ago I can't even be sure of the dates!!!] at the Neebing Hotel listening to the best and funniest songs ever.  And they are still great! Sure miss those days, and you guys!!
Yesterday being the 16th, we went over to town to mail Natasha's bday envelop and some postcards. Then we came back here to get the oil changed and the drive checked...not good. It was so full that it started to overflow, but it has water in it again. So we are not leaking, but somehow we are sucking water into it. I guess this is a once-a -year rebuild *&^%$#@#$!!!
On a good note, the engine oil is fine-- not black sludge like it used to be in the old engine -- and the transmission oil is as clean as when it went in. I hope that is what is supposed to happen.
While he was doing that I washed some clothes the old fashioned way... in a bucket. But really, if I wash three things for each of us every day, that should take care of the laundry! And it dries in about an hour in the sun. So I will probably do some more today and catch up. The hard things are towels and sheets.  For those I can go to the laundromat...but it's expensive and for the cost I may as well let someone else do it. I have a shirt that is supposed to be cream-coloured and it has a big stain on he front and the sleeve...absolutely no idea what it's from but I am going to try an experiment. I have nothing to lose so I am going to try dying it with coffee.  If it doesn't work I will get a package of commercial dye and try it some other colour but...
And FYI, the next time you pick a fresh coconut and hack it open so you can drink the milk...don't get it on your cotton shirt. The stain won't come out of cotton, but it comes out of synthetic wear polyester when drinking coconut milk!
We went snorkelling at the Blue Hole with Singing Frog yesterday. It's a nice deep hole with lots of fish. The water temperature has shot up 3 degrees in the last two day but I still can't stay warm in the water. I'm only good for about a half hour and then I start to shiver. I'm going to try Rick's old wetsuit if I can get it on!
We are going to try to fly the spinnaker this afternoon. Rick still has to splice the eyes into the ends of the lines but I am quite looking forward to trying it out.  There is no wind here for the next few days, so it will be a good test.
I don't know what I will do with 2 weeks off school. I guess I will just nag Quentin so he can get his finished. With no extra-curricular activities and no demands on his "helper' time, he can get a good 3 hours in every morning. None of his friends are available until after lunch anyway.
So time to get on him! Ttyl.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Monday - Wednesday Mar 14-16

March 13 SUNDAY
Everybody get their clocks set this weekend? 
 We invited Stephane and Angelica for supper. Just before they came over Ross [Nauticuss] stopped to talk, so we asked him to dinner as well. We watched Jim and Cheryl heading over to Stephane's boat, and we were parked right beside them [Amazing Grace] so we told them to come too. Luckily I had made 8 burgers and Stephane brought more than enough buns. It was a little crowded but we managed.
MONDAY March 14
Today 40 boats are leaving for the Long Island Regatta, including Nauticuss and Amazing Grace. They will all be gone for about 10 days. C-Soul and Pearl will still be here.
At 7:20 am Stephane and Angelica came by to pick up Quentin. They went to "kill lobster". This will be another first for Quentin.
He didn't get much chance to do anything more than watch. He said he had a pain in his sinuses when he went underwater, so he couldn't go down with Stephane. They caught 3 lobster and a grouper and were back within an hour.
We got ready for town and I went looking for the "Pre-Schoolers" while Rick went to the meat market. Quentin sat at Red Boone on his tablet. He showed up later at the school to see what I needed. Apparently Rick went off to do something?
It was a little harrowing to see that many under-fives in one place. This activity was tied in with Commonwealth Day, and the whole school system participated. Kids form every school came to town, and had displays and marched, with a band. Then the pre-schoolers went off to the GT Primary school and I have no idea where the others went, except that they were back by 1:30 pm
My session lasted about 1 ½ hours. The kids were divided into groups and there was a bouncy castle, a face painting station and mine. So I had about 15 at a time. I had purchased some cheap painting sets from the grocery store and cut up a sponge to use as brushes. But the only paper I had was computer paper, which does not do well under water.  This was not my best idea! Mostly we ended up with soggy papers and paint all over their hands and shirts.  I hope the mothers will forgive me [or the teachers].
C-Soul is leaving tomorrow so we went over for a visit after supper.  They are going to head to Florida slooooowly, but I doubt that we will catch up.
Wow!  Two weeks off for Easter!!Thursday is a sports day; Friday is report card day so "...most students won't show up" and then 2 weeks for Easter break. I don't go back until April 4. YAY!
The Commonwealth Day was a great Day!   "My School GT Primary took 1st place in the displays. Canada won!  Thanks to the boaters who donated and lent stuff to the kids! Singing Frog had some plastic lifelike animals... wolf, bear, moose and deer. Deja Vue gave them a flag and a $5.00 bill. We gave them the full range of coins. Someone else gave maple syrup and honey. 
We went snorkel

ing with the marine biologist in the afternoon. She showed us lots of different corals and animals in the coral heads. The water was a bit cloudy but we could see everything.
Last night there was a beach wedding at Chat n' Chill. The tables were dressed and there as an altar and an arbour. After dinner there was a DJ and we danced on the back deck of the boat. The boat next to us hollered over at one point, "Get a room!"  Quentin was at a movie night on Singing Frog. He came home at 11:30

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Friday to Sunday sometime in March!

Friday March 11
Today Quentin and Yarika and Cookie Monster went paint-balling! Apparently they had fun!  We stayed on this side because we had stuff to do and I had a wrap-up meeting about the Regatta.  I had the stuff from the Scavenger Hunt so I had to go. It was nice... there was a ton of snacks for us and our first drink was free so Jillian and I had a pina colada.  I, um...think I volunteered to be co-Chairman next year...I must have because Jeannie announced it on the Net the next morning. And Dwayne from BoomDeYada came by to tell Rick he would be crew for the big boat race since I would be too busy with my chairman duties to go sailing. Probably should NOT drink pina colada.
Quentin was supposed to go to this meeting but...hmm paintball? Meeting with old people? Tough choice! Everyone at the meeting came up and told me what a great kid he is...and everyone gave different examples of what they liked about him. They all asked if he was coming back next year...
Saturday March 12
Today we took the boat south to clean the head... not a nice job but somebody has to do it. Quentin was still on Yarika and they were going to spend the day on shore. We thought we'd be back by noon but it took us almost two hours to get down against the wind.
Didn't take long to clean the toilet but then we went into an anchorage and had a salt bath. We were just enjoying the water when another cat pulled in so we had to get out and put our clothes on.
We sailed back twice as fast as we motored down. We went into Georgetown to get some stuff for the kids for dinner. I made Quentin, Claire and Aran burgers and fries and ice cream. They watched movies and we went over to C-Soul who came in at suppertime.
The kids went home at 11 pm.  Next week when Cookie Monster has some guests come in we said we'll give them some adult time and take the boys for an evening.
SUNDAY, March 13
Fourteen boats headed north this morning, on their way home to various continent destinations. They are taking their time to let the snow melt but still, it seems early. Part of me wants to be heading back but I think it's because I feel the need to change venue, so we are still talking about heading over to Rum Cay for a visit and to drop trees.
Today is Cordell's day at the beach.  Then I have to get some art stuff ready for the 75-80 pre-schoolers who will be at Regatta Park tomorrow. I agreed to set up an art station for them. I also have to go to see the schools Commonwealth Day exhibits.  I'm curious to see what they set up.  Then the rest of the week is back to school.
SO if anything exciting happens, I'll get back to you J ttyl

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Mar 5-7

Mar 5-7
Honestly I have only vague recollection of the past 3 day's...mostly because the activities were so scattered and disjointed...
Whatever...Saturday was the volleyball? I told you Quentin won only one game. After volleyball he went back to Dolphin Leap to help Keith recover his halyard again.  Then he went off with T.J to Cookie Monster for a movie night and we went o play cards with Beguiler. They have a cool game called Sequence. It's not as bad losing that one as losing Euchre to Danny all the time!
This was also the day C-Soul left for Long Island we were sad to see them go but they will be back after the Long Island Regatta. We had thought about going but the cost was going to be prohibitive...there are 3 of us, not 2. Also, we are considering going to Rum Cay, with trees from Cordell, which makes more sense to us.
We ran the geniker up the mast and it looks like it will work, so Sunday Rick ran new halyards. Stephane and Angelica went to Long island as well, and they will be back sometime this week, so we should have all the blocks sorted out by the time he is ready to help out.
I am going to take apart my sewing machine to see if I can fix it myself. There is no-on here who can fix it and I have nothing to lose, because it does NOT work. I'm going to have to get someone else to finish Stephane's motor cover. It's no good to him sitting in my sewing bag!
Our wind generator is working well. Everyone says they are only a small part of the system but for us it's working really well, especially on cloudy days.
SUNDAY: Alesto gave a talk on more solar power and we listened, and got a bit more information, but we are really as set as we can be without re-building the back end of the boat. We dropped off some more seeds to Cordell. Then we came over to shore to the wrap up party, missed the presentation picked up my volunteer flag, and left again.  The winds were getting up and we needed to be here for Monday so we stayed.
MONDAY: Immigration day...we got another 30 days. I would really like to know why we are being targeted. Who did we piss off? Rick thinks it's because we are travelling with a minor who is not ours. I could understand that reasoning and I can live with it. But it would be nice if they would take us into the office and TELL US THAT!!! It's the power attitude that pisses me off.
We did some shopping, updated internet and then decided to go for dinner. I couldn't find anyplace that had rice and peas or peas and rice, so we ended up with burgers and fries ...yuck... no bun and heartburn!  But we met Bruce and Gayleen and her brother and partner, so we had dinner together and then went to the |rake and Scrape at Red Boone. Rick took a video of me dancing with |Bahama Obama and he's supposed to send it to the guy's website.  The man is an exceptional dancer and we had a good time.
Coming home there were 4 foot waves under the bridge and we got soaking wet... Quentin didn't but he was wrapped up tight in a poncho like a turtle. He only got his butt wet.
TUESDAY: It was still blowing hard when we went to school. I had a 5th Grade class and had no idea what to do with them until about 2 am. when it hit me. They were having Commonwealth Day soon, so I would have them do their Canada pictures and hope no-one else had done it.  I drew a map of Canada on the board and told them everything they needed to know about the animals the cities and the people. There is a great website with colouring pages, so that's what I printed...25 different ones! The kids asked lots of questions and we had a good class.
My Grade 9 class was cancelled according to the secretary, so I left early. Quentin found me a little while later and told me the students were looking for me but it was too late to go back and meet them.
We came back to the boat and moved back to the island side. Quentin and T>J. Met a new kid boat Yarika and they went for a movie night on it. Quentin took "Pirates" to watch.
THIs winter has been cold and windy...winds steady at 15-20 most of the time. Everyone is commenting on it, even the locals and it's hard to convince new boaters that it isn't always like this. There are many who have said they will not be back, and now that Cuba is opening up it may have an effect on the boater population next year.
Anyway, here are some pictures...

Mar 5-11

Mar 5-7
Honestly I have only vague recollection of the past 5 days...mostly because the activities were so scattered and disjointed...
Whatever...Saturday was the volleyball? I told you Quentin won only one game. After volleyball he went back to Dolphin Leap to help Keith recover his halyard again.  Then he went off with T.J to Cookie Monster for a movie night and we went to play cards with Beguiler. They have a cool game called Sequence. It's not as bad losing that one, as losing Euchre to Danny all the time!
This was also the day C-Soul left for Long Island we were sad to see them go but they will be back after the Long Island Regatta. We had thought about going but the cost was going to be prohibitive...there are 3 of us, not 2. Also, we are considering going to Rum Cay, with trees from Cordell, which makes more sense to us.
We ran the geniker up the mast and it looks like it will work, so Sunday Rick ran new halyards. Stephane and Angelica went to Long island as well, and they will be back sometime this week, so we should have all the blocks sorted out by the time he is ready to help out.

I am going to take apart my sewing machine to see if I can fix it myself. There is no-on here who can fix it and I have nothing to lose, because it does NOT work. I'm going to have to get someone else to finish Stephane's motor cover. It's no good to him sitting in my sewing bag!
Our wind generator is working well. Everyone says they are only a small part of the system but for us it's working really well, especially on cloudy days.

SUNDAY: Alesto gave a talk on more solar power and we listened, and got a bit more information, but we are really as set as we can be without re-building the back end of the boat. We dropped off some more seeds to Cordell. Then we came over to shore to the wrap up party, missed the presentation picked up my volunteer flag, and left again.  The winds were getting up and we needed to be here for Monday so we stayed.

MONDAY: Immigration day...we got another 30 days. I would really like to know why we are being targeted. Who did we piss off? Rick thinks it's because we are travelling with a minor who is not ours. I could understand that reasoning and I can live with it. But it would be nice if they would take us into the office and TELL US THAT!!! It's the power attitude that pisses me off.

We did some shopping, updated internet and then decided to go for dinner. I couldn't find anyplace that had rice and peas or peas and rice, so we ended up with burgers and fries ...yuck... no bun and heartburn!  But we met Bruce and Gayleen and her brother and partner, so we had dinner together and then went to the |rake and Scrape at Red Boone. Rick took a video of me dancing with |Bahama Obama and he's supposed to send it to the guy's website.  The man is an exceptional dancer and we had a good time.

Coming home there were 4 foot waves under the bridge and we got soaking wet... Quentin didn't but he was wrapped up tight in a poncho like a turtle. He only got his butt wet.

TUESDAY: It was still blowing hard when we went to school. I had a 5th Grade class and had no idea what to do with them until about 2 am. when it hit me. They were having Commonwealth Day soon, so I would have them do their Canada pictures and hope no-one else had done it.  I drew a map of Canada on the board and told them everything they needed to know about the animals the cities and the people. There is a great website with colouring pages, so that's what I printed...25 different ones! The kids asked lots of questions and we had a good class.

My Grade 9 class was cancelled according to the secretary, so I left early. Quentin found me a little while later and told me the students were looking for me but it was too late to go back and meet them.
We came back to the boat and moved back to the island side. Quentin and T.J. met a new kid boat Yarika and they went for a movie night on it. Quentin took "Pirates" to watch.

This winter has been cold and windy...winds steady at 15-20 most of the time. Everyone is commenting on it, even the locals and it's hard to convince new boaters that it isn't always like this. There are many who have said they will not be back, and now that Cuba is opening up it may have an effect on the boater population next year.
Anyway, here are some pictures...

Some pics from the past weeks

Quentin waiting for his ride to a sleepover...excited? Nah!

Mangrove roots...kinda creepy!

Rough surf today still!

Stephane cleaning snails

Angelica turning them into escargot ! Yum

Quentin actually tried one

Ross, angelica and Cheryl

Quentin doesn't like them

Jasmine City's spinnaker

And there they go!

Our last place trophy in the boat races

Friday, 11 March 2016

MAR 8-11 Time flies when you're having fun!!!

TUESDAY, March 8
The last few days have been very windy and blustery...not so much
The little kids were easy this morning, since they were doing a commonwealth day, we coloured pictures of Canadian animals, which was quite timely since they hadn't done that yet.  The Grade 9's never showed up because, according to the secretary, they were studying for exams. I waited for 25 minutes. So I went to the Grade 4 class to meet that teacher, and then went to meet Rick at Red Boone. Quentin showed up and told me I was missing the class, a bunch of them asked where I was.  Oh well...
We came back to the boat, and moved back over to the Island side. Quentin went to shore to hang out with new boat kids and do whatever they do...

I don't remember... nothing special, I guess. We went over to Amazing Grace so I could give Cheryl Stephane's motor cover. I can't fix the sewing machine without completely dismantling it, so it would take forever to get the motor cover fixed. Cheryl is into heavy-duty sewing, so she can finish it for Stephane.   We were there for a coupe of hours. Quentin was left on board to get homework done.
We spent all day around the boat, doing small jobs.

THURSDAY, March 10
 We went over in the morning to Kidd Bay, because Quentin had 'volunteered ' to help at the Music Festival.  We also took Yarika  [Claire, Aaron, -kids; Steve and Melissa- mom and dad] and TJ and John  Cookie Monster kids over as they were volunteering as well.
I went to St. Andrews school in the afternoon and taught 5-6. They sketched portraits of each other...I think the lessons are paying off... they were remarkably good, most of them. One pair of boys that always give me grief, were paired up, just because I figured it was better to condense the chaos then spread it. Turns out they are twins and one of them is exceptional as an artist.  When I got to the Primary school to talk to the teachers, he was there.  Turns out, his Mom is the GT school principal!  And they all look alike. Don't know why I couldn't see that?!?
We came back over to the island because we were having dinner on Jasmine City with Amazing Grace and Nauticuss. Angelica made a traditional Columbian stew and Stephane caught and cleaned snails. Cheryl made a salad and I made strawberry cheesecake.  Great meal!! Quentin and Rick tried the snails but didn't like them.  The stew was great!! I can't remember the Spanish name. I am going to help Angelica with her English and she will teach me some Spanish.
SO, I will try to post some more pictures today. The winds are calmer, the boat not bouncing so much. Maybe the internet will work!
If you haven't checked out the video yet, have a look: We look great! ttyl

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Race #1 Feb 29

Feb 29
Today was the big in-harbour race!  We were one of 7 multi-hulls in the slow category.  The race started in 15 minute intervals with the fast multihulls first, then us, then the two categories of monohulls. [that's regular sailboats for you non-sailors].We were alone. C-Soul decided to stay home and we couldn't get Ross on the radio to see if he and Carol still waned to come . Probably for the best...

We were lined up, ready to hit the starting line on time when some little jerk in a monohull ran at across the start line. I had to change course and he sucked our wind right out of the sails so we backed up...not easy in a boat with no engine.  They thought it was funny...we couldn't get turned and wind until the last category o boats had crossed the start.  We figured we would be disqualified but the committee boat must have seen what happened and let us continue.

There were two channels on the radio being used. 78 was the race channel and 74 was the commentary channel. We turned off 74 because it was interfering with our argument about tactics, so we missed the narrative about us n the race. Apparently it was hilarious because every time we passed a boat at anchor, people were laughing and hooting and cheering.

The race was supposed to be two laps around the harbour. By the time we got to the first mark, most of the boats had passed us he second time. When we reported that we had rounded the mark, the committee boat advised us that the rules had been amended and that boats with yellow hulls and initials "OG" in their names should only go round once!

We took 4 hours to go 4 knots ...we are not a fast boat. Now everyone believes us when we say that. In all fairness if there had been any WIND...not a light breeze between 6-12 knots ...we would have been a lot faster.

Tomorrow is the round-the-island- race and we are seriously thinking of dropping out if the winds are not will take us 2 days to go 18 miles without the engine!

Quentin had a good day...he spent the whole day with the kids. They went cliff jumping...before you panic, Mom, think Oliver Lake with no rocks on the bottom.  We know where he was and there were a bunch of adults with them...and it was safe. It must have been...he's back with no injuries.

Early bedtime...we're all tired from so much activity!!