Thursday, 17 March 2016

St. Urho's Day 16th and St.Paddy's Day 17th

Happy Green Beer Day, and to you serious Irishmen, Happy St. Patrick's Day! We missed the Ides of March but as far as I know no-one noticed, except maybe Marco Rubio, who lost again to Trump. Property values in Canada are going to skyrocket when all those Americans come up claiming refugee status!!! Yeehaw!! Maybe that will make our Canadian dollar worth something again!!!
ON St. Paddy's Day, I know that there is great Bluegrass band called FLIPPER FLANAGAN'S FLAT-FOOTED FOUR playing somewhere in Thunder Bay and if you can find them, you should go!  In around 1970-1972 we spent every Friday night [yeah, so long ago I can't even be sure of the dates!!!] at the Neebing Hotel listening to the best and funniest songs ever.  And they are still great! Sure miss those days, and you guys!!
Yesterday being the 16th, we went over to town to mail Natasha's bday envelop and some postcards. Then we came back here to get the oil changed and the drive checked...not good. It was so full that it started to overflow, but it has water in it again. So we are not leaking, but somehow we are sucking water into it. I guess this is a once-a -year rebuild *&^%$#@#$!!!
On a good note, the engine oil is fine-- not black sludge like it used to be in the old engine -- and the transmission oil is as clean as when it went in. I hope that is what is supposed to happen.
While he was doing that I washed some clothes the old fashioned way... in a bucket. But really, if I wash three things for each of us every day, that should take care of the laundry! And it dries in about an hour in the sun. So I will probably do some more today and catch up. The hard things are towels and sheets.  For those I can go to the laundromat...but it's expensive and for the cost I may as well let someone else do it. I have a shirt that is supposed to be cream-coloured and it has a big stain on he front and the sleeve...absolutely no idea what it's from but I am going to try an experiment. I have nothing to lose so I am going to try dying it with coffee.  If it doesn't work I will get a package of commercial dye and try it some other colour but...
And FYI, the next time you pick a fresh coconut and hack it open so you can drink the milk...don't get it on your cotton shirt. The stain won't come out of cotton, but it comes out of synthetic wear polyester when drinking coconut milk!
We went snorkelling at the Blue Hole with Singing Frog yesterday. It's a nice deep hole with lots of fish. The water temperature has shot up 3 degrees in the last two day but I still can't stay warm in the water. I'm only good for about a half hour and then I start to shiver. I'm going to try Rick's old wetsuit if I can get it on!
We are going to try to fly the spinnaker this afternoon. Rick still has to splice the eyes into the ends of the lines but I am quite looking forward to trying it out.  There is no wind here for the next few days, so it will be a good test.
I don't know what I will do with 2 weeks off school. I guess I will just nag Quentin so he can get his finished. With no extra-curricular activities and no demands on his "helper' time, he can get a good 3 hours in every morning. None of his friends are available until after lunch anyway.
So time to get on him! Ttyl.

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