Thursday, 24 March 2016

March 23-24

March 21
Today was a sad day for Quentin and Connor... Cookie Monster left.  Quentin went to their hotel in the morning and hung out until they got the cab to the airport.  I wasn't there but Rick said he ws quite quiet when he came back.

I went with Jillian to the Exuma Foundation and helped pack food boxes for some needy families, then we delivered them with another Jill from Australia and went for lunch down on Little Exuma Island. It was fabulous, thank you Jillian and Jill!!

Jill is an artist who is also interested in working with the kids. YAAAAY!

They have STUPID RULES on this island!!!! She can't give lessons to kids or adults who want them, or sell her own paintings on the internet because they might have been painted here in the islands. She can't even have meetings with friends to gather together and have a painting group in case someone brings a bottle of wine as payment for her advice or help!  My response would have been "So I'll tell you when they are being held and you can show up and drink your portion of the bribe!!!"

You would think that with all of the Bahamians who come to Canada and the States for school, work and other things, they would realize that the only way a community survives is to incorporate all the talents and skills of its members and share those skills and ideas. That's what started civilization and moved us humans into communities out of wandering hunters in the first place! I guess in all the business courses they took, no-one introduced the Sociology of Community.

They also don't realize that if all the boaters and all the ex-Pat's pulled out there would be a lot less money in the islands...oh...going to Cuba next year??? Isn't it better have visiting people here supporting the local businesses who have to pay to import their goods, than selling to just the local people.

I had a great day by myself, and so did Rick. He got the laundry done and impressed the women! 
Quentin went with Connor on HI5 so they could commiserate together over their Rubik's cubes, and we will get him in the morning.

Did I mention that I am going to be the Net controller for the last 2 weeks of April? Everyone who has done it is heading back to Canada...yes there are mostly Canadians here. I volunteered because we will be here until April 30, then start heading north as well.

Today I will go to the school and drop off a box of stuff ... mostly recycling supplies for the school. IF the winds calm down EVER we will make an attempt to go to Rum Cay, but this has been a very unusual winter here. The last two days have been an October Day in the north.
T.J,, Q, Connor and Johny

Cubes and electronics

Quentin coming to town from the boat

Cookie Monster taking them away

So we are going to head over to the other side after that, and spend the day cleaning the boat, and Finding Quentin...[kind of like Finding Nemo].

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