Friday, 25 March 2016

March 24-25

March 24-25
Yesterday morning when I stopped at the school, the kids were NOT there...they did have the week off, sort of. Monday Tuesday were sports days, Wednesday I don't teach anyway and yesterday they got off at noon, but I teach in the afternoon. The principal told me that there was a great art display to be done for April 24 and she was hoping that there would be lots of kids entered. No pressure!!
Later, we went for lunch with a friend and had a great time. We talked a lot about politics and boating.  It is very interesting to hear an outsider's opinion of our new Prime Minister...especially from someone whom I would have expected to be Conservative/Republican. He likes Trudeau and his attitude so far.
 We met HI5 in the grocery store who asked us how the boys were doing. I panicked because she had them over night, and she laughed... wicked sense of humour, that one!!
We came over to the island and dropped anchor. We went ashore to find Amazing Grace. They had some Mahi-mahi for us that they had caught. We were going to have it for supper but the boys ate on HI5 so we will eat it tonight.
We went over to Nauticuss and met some more new people. They have a big power cruiser and they are from Phoenix: Sue and Tom [Andante]
When I looked at facebook, I saw a tag for Yvonne and Joe [Modaki] by someone they know.  Oddly enough there was a comment by someone whose name I recognized from many, many years ago in Thunder Bay. ["Outhouse' is NOT a common name outside of Nova Scotia, where there are thousands!]
SO here's the bad thing about Facebook: I was able to follow his name back to his facebook page to find out who he was, and sure enough, he's the guy who managed to tricked me into signing up for a Community Policing committee!
 We went to a demonstration of all the cool cop equipment, and he said he needed to track the visitors, and I should sign the list.  Next thing I knew, I was going to meetings and volunteering to be the Chairman. Thanks AL, I loved that volunteer job! I made some great friends because of it and I will NEVER forget the red earrings!!!
Connor stayed with us last night, when they finally came home from HI5 and the boys slept in the cockpit.   The seas were so rolly that both boys slid off the cushions. Quentin moved into his bunk but I couldn't wake up Connor so I can't say that they slept well, although they slept soundly!
Today I am going to put all the cushions from the salon and the cockpit on the deck. It is so humid, everything feels wet. If the sun is out, it will be hot and dry.
So, already this morning we have lent out our little motor to someone who's dinghy motor quit; fed the boys and made the beds. Not bad for 9 am.

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