Thursday Oct.30
We spent the rainy morning
finishing the servicing, hooking up the radio and lights and the last of the
laundry. We had showers and breakfast
and got away by 11:00 am. It drizzled and the wind came up fiercely [because
the guys behind us were getting ready to raise their mast]. We got out of their
way and moved down river with the tide.
We are now in brackish water...half salt, half fresh. It has no effect on the
new engine because the water cooling system circulates around the engine block,
not through it. You probably don’t care that much, but we do. It saves the life
of the engine!
We had sunny breaks all
down the river, and wind behind us so we were able to put up the small jib and
motor sail. I’ve gotten used to the engine. Not sure I’ll be able to sail with
just the sails! We decided that since
the tide goes out in the morning and comes up river in the afternoon it makes
more sense to take off early and stop early.
The Castle belonged to Robert Church, an artist early 1900's. I guess artists were better paid back then!
So we are in Catskill, the county
seat, and very small town a half mile away and super Wal-Mart is a $4.00 cab
ride away, so we are going up there, and today we are buying a heater for the
boat. That should absolutely ensure that we do not have snow or cold weather!!!
We are at the Riverside
Marina. It’s a real working yard; not much in amenities, but showers, bathrooms
and laundry. Too bad we did all that this morning.
At least 6 barges passed
us traveling up and down the river today. They are really cool, like having a
matching truck and trailer. They come from all over the eastern seaboard. And
it doesn’t pay to get in their way.
The scenery on the river
was wonderful and we are getting more colour, I am hoping that the further
south we go, the less colour there is...all the leaves will still be green!
We went to Wal-Mart and
got the heater, along with groceries. We called the cab to bring us back but
there was another guy waiting for a cab too. The driver stopped at us and he
ran over, so we shared it. He talked non-stop back to the boat about how
wonderful and brave we were, to be on a sailboat; did we stay out on the ocean, what did we do
when we wanted to stop; he had a power boat but that’s not the same; he had an
uncle who lived in Thunder Bay Canada but 30 years ago his twins sons were
killed in a car accident, but he stayed there and loved it ; he played hockey
and thought that the Canadian people were great, the health care was great and we
never got a word in edgewise. He’ll probably think we were rude but he only let
us answer one of his questions.
So we had a later dinner
than we wanted and we still have some work to do. But here are some pictures.
We aren’t at the run of mansions yet, but the Hudson River has some absolutely
fabulous lighthouses, and we will be taking more pictures of them.
Tomorrow night is
Hallowe’en and I do NOT want to be on shore. These people take it very
seriously [although if you think about their history...Quaker and Salem and
burning witches...] and the further away from them we are, the better!!
I couldn’t post this last
night. The ‘County Seat” didn’t have internet access! ?
Robert Church artist, residence on Church Hill |
Wow, new facilities here |
Lighthouse on the river |
Barge & tug |
another barge & tug |
river hazard |
abandoned factory- note tree in chimney |
sunning themselves |