Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Tuesdya Nov11

Tuesday Remembrance Day

Good morning.
Hope you all enjoyed whatever service you attended/watched.
If you are reading this via the blogspot, please try to leave me comments, if you can. If you are on Facebook, I love your remarks. It makes me feel like I am NOT talking to myself!

We find the most amazing places by accident. Last night’s sunset shots were taken about 5 miles before we got to Cape Charles. The only reason we came in here is because it was the closest anchorage or marina to our position when we realized that we would be once again moving in the dark. But not on open clear ocean this time, and we were too tired to try that. So after a lively discussion about running in the dark, we found this place in the books. He wasn’t too keen because there isn’t 500 feet of water under us, so we might run aground. [Doug, he’s great at navigation, but he is neurotic about what’s under the water]

Rick always minimizes the time it will take or the distance we have to go. It has always been his habit, thinking it makes me feel better to know that the time/distance is shorter than I think it will be, but what he still doesn’t realize is that it makes me nuts when I find out that we still have 5 -10 miles to go! He also is a straight-line thinker so if he sets waypoints and a destination, there is no, by god, deviation!!  I NEVER outright criticize because I don’t want to do it myself [ not that I couldn’t but I am not a detail person...more of a captain-type. Bet you never knew that, eh?]

So we came in here in the dark, with blinding white lights on the cement plant, cell tower red flashing lights, white flashing obstruction [like sunken vessel] lights, lit markers, unlit markers, ranges for both east-west and north south, and a narrow channel that all the other boats ignored. He had phoned the marina but couldn’t understand the man’s Virginian accent so he had no idea where we were supposed to go. I drive into dock because he panics and fights the boat. I baby her in and [mostly] park without a problem. Besides, I refuse to jump off onto a dock with stupid bifocals on. Been there/ done that/ missed the dock!

Anyway, this morning the place is amazing. There is a tall ship docked in front of us. GODSPEED is a museum replica of a settler ship to Jamestown Virginia. It is one of three that go around the shores states, a living history museum that the state pays for!  There are other small tall ships here, an awesome houseboat, and some very cool workboats. The town has only two streets, but Meryl Streep shops here for jewellery... guess where I am going this morning!?!?! on my way to the Legion, of course.

We are about 25 miles from Deltaville, and we can be there by tonight. I am meeting with the managing editor of Waterway Guide tomorrow, because she has a contract for me to do the write up on the Turks and Caicos Islands for next year. Guess we’ll have to go there. Darn?!? Too bad Canada didn’t take the offer to annex the islands when Trudeau was Prime Minister. We could have used our Canadian change at par!

Another tall ship and work tug

Cool work boat

Now that's a houseboat - porch end view

Beautiful replica

Awesome fish & chips & GF!

Once again, outclassed!

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