Sunday, 27 December 2015

Boxing Day

December 26

This morning, we have to wait until the coffee is cold to drink it, the anchorage is so rough. From the boat, I can see waves hitting the ocean side of the island and rising up over the 20 foot hill we climbed yesterday. I guess this another day NOT to go out there!  SO we will up anchor and go another 10 miles or so down the inside to find another anchorage that is not as rough as this one, and spend the day waiting for the ocean to settle. It is so rough that the internet signal from Farmer's Cay won't hold long enough to connect.

Or maybe we'll just stay here for the day...
We went back to shore and climbed further up the hill so we could see the ocean....Perfect Storm waves out there as far as the eye can see. WE didn't want to fight our way through the scrub palms and almond bushes so we didn't get any closer. We found one with yellow-orange fruit but we can't remember what manchonielles [poison fruit] looks like so we left it alone!

We spent the day lounging and I cooked Christmas dinner today..chicken sweet potatoes and beans.

Internet still not working ...rats... and no phone service but I can send messages????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not being a sailor, it's interesting to learn the problems that you have to deal with. Until reading your blogs this season, I'd have just figured you'd just lazily drift your way down to where you need to be, all the while sunning and reading, enjoying the ride. Now I'm realizing how much work it is for you to live your dream. Makes me want to rethink my dreams. Anyway, I'm glad you are well. Hope you finally got some breakfast somewhere, and hope you get down to Georgetown in time to relax before your company gets there. When does Q come back? Love you both. Take care, Barb and Dan.