Wednesday 11 September 2024


 We left Dutchman's Cove an hour later than we had planned but we had morning coffee with friends that we won't see for a while, so well worth the delay. Copper Penny and R.Calista.

It was an easy trip arouund past Midland to Port Severn and the lock opened almost as soon as we got there. There was quite an audience waiting for us to pass though.
Big Chute railway was next after Little Lake and Glouchester Pool with the ususal assortment of muscle boaters who don't pay attention to what their wake does as they pass other boats, and not just sail boats...little guys fishing in small boats get tipped as well.

So we're sitting at the bottom of Swift Rapids Lock 43. Its a big one. But that's a problem for morning. They are supposed to run 10 am - 4 pm, but if your not at the lock by 3:30 your s$*t out of luck. We got here at 3:45 and one of them came screamng past us in a tinny, at 2x the speed limit...the uniform was a dead giveaway.

Quiet night, a couple of chores, dinner and a movie LOL

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