Thursday 19 September 2024


 Today is Thursday Sept 19. I only say that because I need to keep the dates in my head. Its 5 pm and we are anchored in front of a cemetary, presumable Brighton or Belleville. We're not quite at the bridge. Wemade it through the last locks, got to Trenton, got fuel and did some other chores and left again. It wasn't worth $89.00 to us for a hot shower. The lake is 19 degrees and lovely. We just finished a cooling swim. THe air is still 27 and the sun is brutal.

Tomorrow we will be at the jup off point to cross Lake Ontario. At the gas dock we met a little sailboat that had just come down from Thunder Bay, thru the Welland, and reminded us of things we had forgotten about... the canal is restricted to certain times and days for pleasure craft. We might have been stuck there.

Last night at Lock 5 while having dinner we were surpirsed by a van pulling up the restricted road and parking beside us. Hmmm not liking this... they got out and the lady said "you must be sue & rick" It was friend of a firent , Sue Allison, and for the life of me I cannot rememebr thier names, but they had been looking for us to say hello. They came aboard and we talked for about 2 hours; really nice people, so thanks Sue Allison for sending them our way. It was delightful evening!

Thsi morning , the dock master got there EARLY and let us in! Then he took off to get his partner. It was a slow start. Next lock, we had to wait while they brought up a big boat. The last lock, we had to wait because someone parked their boat RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM in front of the gate, and we wouldn't be able to get by it. Rather than let us scratch it [lesson] they moved it around the corner. Heeheehee, so when the people eventually came back, they wouldn't know where to find it. [Lesson]
We are very tired right now. I'm tired of manoeuvering into the locks and Rick is tired of catching the walls, so 2 days of just motoring will be great! Rather be sailing but...
t slovely and quiet trains or cars along the shore. Pretty sure no-one will be partying n the cemetary tonight. ttyl

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