Wednesday 18 September 2024

September 16- Lock 5 TRENT


SO this is Wednesday ,September 18. We got up this morning at Campbellford, and headed to the grocery store, where we got everything we needed for a week or so. Fresh veggies for salad and fruit.

I was walking across the park from the washrooms and a bunch of bikers called me [ bicycle bikers.] They asked me to take their picture in front of the huge Toonie in the park.[The designer is from Campbellford], so we got to talking and they asked if I was local; I said no I was on that sailboat. Oh, wow, can we take a picture of your guys and our bikes in front of it? So we did. They were from all over the place and they have this biking group that meets and cycles everywhere. One of them said, “I saw your boat yesterday. It was anchored in front of my place on Rice Lake!” Someone else asked about sailing Lake Superior; someone else was surprised when Rick gave them a boat card that said our address was Hepworth.

After we chatted for awhile, they left on their trek and we packed away the groceries. We were at the lock which was about a1/2 mile down the river by 9:50 am. The lock finally opened at 10:20. This is why we can’t make any time!!!

We got to Lock6 at 3:25 tonight. They were hoping we wouldn’t make it but we did, so they let us through and told us where the bathroom key was hanging at the top of LOCK 5. So tomorrow morning, sometime around 10-10:30 we’ll start going through the last 5 locks, and arrive in Trenton tomorrow. All we need is a bank and then we can go out to the edge of Lake Ontario and prepare to cross. After that, comes a whole other set of issues starting with a cruising permit for the States.

Right now I’m listening to what sounds like yappy little dogs, but its geese. My god, they are annoying sometimes. I just want quiet!!! Listening to the engine all day, turn on and off … every time you enter a lock, you have to shut off the engine. At least the States doesn’t make you shut it down!!! Not good for a diesel!

Going to cook supper myself tonight. Last night was a bad idea…not happening again for a long time!  It’s still very hot down here but the sky is turning. We just need two more days! Please!!!

Hope everyone is well, and happy and safe. Take care. TTYL

1 comment:

Jan and Murray said...

Glad you are having a good trip (despite being on the Trent). Murray saw your pic on the Trent Canal FB group! Love hearing about your adventures 😁