Friday 3 July 2015

Update for July


So, here we are in Hepworth 2000 miles from the boat, not happy about that. And its FREEZING ! I mean, wool socks, sweat pants, sweatshirts, turn on the furnace freezing!And I now have the cold of the century...thanks, Canada Day...the fireworks weren't all that worth it!
We were supposed to be heading to Thunder BAy on the 9th of July but fate has intervened again and now Tasha has her Irlen test in Toronto on the 17/19 so we will wait here for Todd to come back from his fishing trip on the 22nd, change his socks and underwear, and we'll head west to Kenora and points in between. Then we will arc south through Duluth to Florida for the rest of September.
Quentin has decided he would like to come with us for his Gr.10 school year and the school is fine with it, so we will do home schooling [and attitude tune-up].

SO not the exciting event packed blog you were expecting's Owen Sound...what can I say? I feel awful so as soon as we find Quentin, I am going to bed! He is out 'boarding' somewhere in Wiarton, not answering my texts so if Grampa calls and says he can't find him...grounded for the rest of his life? Not going to the Bahamas?

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