Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Merry Christmas

You all are probably sending and receiving Christmas cards and enjoying the sparkling snow of the season...or not. 
But here's our Christmas card to you..

A Christmas Poem, by S.M.Schultz

T’was the night before Christmas and out on the boat
The Schultz’s were sleeping ...no blanket or coat!

The boat was decked out with all manner of light.
Fake flamingos and pelicans lit up the night.

Their stockings were hung in the palm trees nearby
In hopes that St. Nick would see them from the sky.

All through their slumber, warm breezes did blow,
But they dreamed they were back home shovelling snow.

They dreamed of snow banks, of snow ploughs and ice,
Of snow tires and ditches, tow trucks...not nice!

They awoke in the morning and sighed with relief,
Jumped into the water and swam to the beach

To check out their stockings. A note they did find:
“It’s coal this year, Schultz’s for leaving everyone behind!”

They looked at each, then grinned and shrugged.
“Sorry we’re not there, y’all, instead here’s a BIG HUG !”

Wishing all of you Joy, Love and Happiness this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year.

Susan & Rick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card and poem.
Merry Christmas to you too.