Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Tuesday Dec 9

Tuesday, dec9

I don’t know why I feel like I’m on a schedule... like everyone is waiting for us to get to the good part! We stated at Mile 462 this morning

C-Soul got off to a good start this morning and managed to get away by 7:30 am.  We took the car back, and stopped to look for coconut fibres for the toilet and some stuff at the drug store. By the time we found the Enterprise office and got them to drive us back we were away from the dock by 10:25 but the winds had come up on the harbour and it was very choppy.

We cruised around a huge ship anchored, and dodged Coast Guard boats cruising back and forth, It is a waste of time to complain about wake from fisherman because the coast guard went past us, putting out a monster wake and rocking us. At least we were n the open and not bouncing off the banks of the canal.

After crossing the harbour we turned up the Ashley River. We passed downtown and got a distance view of the houses we saw on our walk through town. When we got to the entrance to Wappoo Creek, we came to a bascule bridge and thought we would have to wait for him to open, but when I called to ask about his next opening, he said...”When y’all get here cap’n”  Bonus!!  That saved a bit of time.

At the end of Wappoo Creek was a narrow channel called the Elliott Cut. It was brutal!!  The chart book say most sailboats wait for slack tide to go through but w couldn’t see waiting so we bulled our way through. It took 25 minutes to go about 1mile.

We managed to get to Mile 484, and we are anchored on the side of the canal. A trawler came down behind us and anchored here as well. We can see the houses across the channel... Christmas trees and lights on...sigh. I wish I could decorate the boat. I need to pick up some xmas lights next time we go to shore!

So dinner’s over, time to do dishes and get to bed so we can get a head start on the tides tomorrow... maybe we can get them working or us instead of against us. It just depends how close we are to the next ocean inlet.
Coming out of Elliot cut

Even better close up!

C-Soul leaving

Sailing through swamp? actually in the channel

Ferry boat

Energy enterprise

Current ! entering Elliot Cut

New house - only half of it!

bascule bridge

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