Good morning: It's Saturday, right?
After we moved the little boat off our bow, we turned on the
engine to head over to drop off Quentin for baseball and pick up the laundry. That
was Thursday, but I had no classes because they were in exam week.
When the engine turned over there was a definite rattle/squeak that
wasn't there before. Rats, rats, rats!!! Rick cleaned the junk off the motor
lid, opened it and listened. I KNOW his hearing is going because he pretended
he could hear it, put on his glasses, poked at the belts and said, "Huh,
it'll be fine."
Ok, I'm sick of being always the one hearing the noise,
smelling the smell, complaining about stuff that isn't working, so I said
nothing. Off we go.
We got over to Kidd Bay and our favourite spot was taken...there
was a big trawler in there, so I head across to the spot in front of the Exuma
Yacht Club, and just as I cross in front of the bridge to Lake Victoria, the
engine dies. There is wind pushing us
toward the docks and the bridge and we are right in the path of the dinghies
and sport boats that run in and out of the Lake. Well, at least they have to
slow done now before getting in and coming out.
Rick is on the bow and turns to yell at me because he
thought I cut the engine too soon. I yell at him before he gets a chance and
tell him to drop the anchor... right THERE!!
TOLD YA SO!!!!!!
Quentin comes out and asks the intelligent question:
"Are we out of gas?" He runs down to the galley to check the gauge
which doesn't work anyway, and says we are, but we tell him that gauge doesn't
work. So he scoops all the crap off the fuel fill, opens it and dips the tank.
He used the wrong end of the fuel stick gauge but luckily the tank is so dry he
can't get a reading anyway.
So now I know what the engine sounds like when the fuel is running
low. I just don't know why the engine panel with all those amazing little red icons
DIDN"T TELL ME!!!! We had two full jerry cans of diesel on the boat and we
haven't added fuel since we got here, but heck we're just running the mile
across the harbour and back, and running the engine to charge the batteries,
and heading out the sound to empty our tanks...shouldn't need fuel?!?
We got our shopping done, came back over to the island, and Quentin
did some work before going ashore. Beguiler was having problems with his dinghy
motor so he called and came to get the 8 hp to take his 15 into the shop. He
wanted to borrow the 5 hp but it was way too rough and the 5 hp is too small
for his dinghy. It would have taken him all afternoon with the 5 hp. More about
that later...
We had dropped off the parsley and melons for Stephane and
came back to the boat, when C-Soul called. They were trying to decide if they
should move closer down to the town site. It was pretty rough up north at the beach
in the northeast winds. They came down and parked beside us.
Stephane had called a little earlier to tell us to come for
supper, and we went over to spend some time with him and Angelica. It was great
evening. Quentin can talk to him quite easily in French and it's getting
better. Sometimes I can catch what they are saying and even add a few words.
Feb 19
Today Dad would have been 90 years old. Miss you Dad!
We had coffee with C-Soul until around 10. Quentin had come
back to the boat to do some more work, and called us to say Stephane was
looking for us, so we went over to help him out. I found a Spanish-to-English
dictionary that I took over to Angelica. It's backwards for her but she says it
will help her learn her English.
Then we came back to the boat to get some work
done, but ended up going to shore with Mark and Gail. We met Pearl over there
and spent a couple of hours talking.
We are NOT getting any closer to solving the battery issue,
mostly because "we" are not actually looking at the problem. But...tomorrow
is another day, right?
Today we were supposed to go up to Rolleville with Cordell
to tour the top end of the island and check out his farm. But today is too
windy to cross the harbour and leave the boat for that long so we'll have to do
it another day.
Back to Beguiler...Rob brought the 8 hp back and told us about his
harrowing trip over...he got just out into the channel when the 8 hp motor died
[the one we had just had tuned up] and he ended up rowing across the harbour to
the Lake Victoria, to get to Minn's, the motor repair place. He made it just in
time, and they fixed both motors right there...he had a dribble of diesel fuel
in his gas tank and it was too rich for both of the engines. They are both fine
now and well oiled!!
Conch horn duet |
C-Soul & OtherGoose...together again!
So today I have some work to do to get the list ready for
the scavenger hunt and get it printed. I
SERIOUSLY need to clean/organize this boat!!! And today is going to be windy/stormy
so we aren't going excuses! Ttyl.