Monday, 8 February 2016

Feb 4 Happy Birthday Rick

Feb 4
Happy Birthday to my soul mate of 46 years. Crap, are we getting old?
Today I went with Quentin to baseball practise from 9:30 til 11:00 am. Quentin is pretty good: he's got a great arm. Considering that the youngest was Quentin, I would put the average age of the team at 55 years old, and amazingly I was fine! Can't hit a ball to save my life but my pitching was as good as it ever was when we played slow pitch when Liz was 10...oh, yeah, none of you ever played baseball with me except Rick and Ted. Anyway, the "coach" is a tyrant but it's his equipment, so I'll probably be in the outfield. When I asked if he wanted to know what I could do, he said, "Doesn't matter. I and ["joe"] get first choice of positions and then it's first come..." I might even be lucky enough to be a spare. Problem is they need women, and there's only two right now who are showing up.
Class this afternoon was a's me, not the kids. I don't have the control the teachers have and I can't handle the noise level from the younger ones. That's Grade 5-6, so the Grades 4's are even more scary!  But the Primary School only goes to Grade 6 so I don't have much choice there. I think I might have to scale back and just provide lesson plans for the teachers. Tomorrow is all day...

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