Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Feb 13-15

Feb 13-15
Tuesday Feb 16 6:30 am
The last three days have been very uninteresting .We came over to Chat n' Chill after we had breakfast at Red Boone. Rick and Quentin wanted a big breakfast but all they had was breakfast burgers and omelettes. He didn't like his ham and cheese and egg burger.  When we finished breakfast Jillian came by and said she was going to look after 3 of Choppy's kids and take them over to the island, so we offered her a ride since we were going anyway. Rick got the dinghy motor back [they put the throttle on backwards when they tuned it up], and then we loaded them onto the boat and headed over.  Rick took them to shore while I did some clean up and then we went over too.
Quentin is hooked into a couple of other boats with kids he can hang out with. These guys are all home schooled 5 days a week and they get a free afternoon every day. He was off with them all day.
On Sunday morning we went over to Jasmine City to visit with Bicher and his crew. They were heading back to Boston. They will be back in a few weeks so we will visit again.
We are registered to enter the big boat race during the Regatta. Rick didn't really want to but we thought it would be a gesture of kindness...if we come in last someone else doesn't have to be.
We went over to see Cordell and find out if his trees had arrived. He is expecting them on Friday so we may go up there on the weekend and help.
Sunday got stormy and yesterday we had really high winds. Unfortunately they are not helping charge up the batteries. We still can't make the batteries take a good charge. So we will get hold of someone else who might have a solution. It's something in the generator that reduces the charge coming through. We walked the outside beach yesterday. The winds were so strong that the sand was stinging the skin.
Today [Tuesday] is baseball practise and school but I think I might back out of baseball.  They have enough women and if can't pitch or catch, I don't want to play any other position.
The weather she has been odd this year. People are cranky because they can't swim of fish or snorkel. I know that sounds insignificant to you guys shovelling snow, but when you come down here to get away from weather, it's no different than getting snowstorm after snowstorm. We all donated stuff to the Red Cross when we got here...most of it heavier clothes for the locals, and now we don't have any!

So, getting ready for school, and a quieter day. Winds are down to 10 knots right now. Ttyl
Wild surf

Dull pictures from salt spray on the camera lens

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