Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Last day of January

Jan 30-31
Quentin didn't get to go sailing...they were getting ready for next weekend's Farmer's Cay Regatta. Asked if w were going to go but it's a day sail [40 miles] for us. And I work Friday, so we would have to leave on Saturday and come back Monday and that's too tight a timeline to ensure that the weather was good.
I didn't get the laundry done either. When I got to the Laundromat there were 10 people waiting to get theirs done. One woman said she'd been there since 8 am. It was now 10 and she'd just got hers in. I took mine to Forbes and I'll pick it up on Tuesday.
Quentin and I sat at Red Boone and waited for Rick to come back and get us. Then they went for some groceries for the beach party: hotdogs, marshmallows, cheese and crackers.
When we get back to the boat Rick cut the pole for the generator and then we SAILED over to the Flip-Flop Beach were the party was. I found out why this was a "1st Annual..." Apparently this used to be the nude beach and the only things anyone wore were flip-flops. Remember when they used to be called 'thongs'? That word conjures up a whole new image now! I wonder how the change evolved...what possible commonality could have turned footwear into underwear?  But I digress...
We got over to the beach and tired to park beside Beguiler but the anchor would grab in anything. Either the sand was too soft or there was too much grass. We tried 3 times then moved outside the group and dropped the hook into 9 feet. Quentin swam on it to make sure it was down. Then we went over to Beguiler for coffee. Quentin drove. He's got a very good handle on driving the dinghy: pretty good steering, and parking at the back of the boat when he comes back to it but he's itching to go fast!
We got to the beach around 4 pm and there were lots of boaters there. We sat around swatting mosquitoes and ate and listened to the musicians and then around 8:30 we looked for Quentin who was doing the same thing somewhere else and then we came back to the boat.  We finished watching "Sea Biscuit" and went to sleep. We must be getting used to the winds and rolling again because we don't feel it so much anymore, but we wake up the minute the wind shifts and the boat starts to swing!
Today we will go to Chat n' Chill and see Cordell. He wants Quentin to help him on Thursday potting trees.  I'm going to see Jeannie from Blue Heavens about the games for the Regatta. Quentin and I are putting together the list of stuff for the Scavenger Hunt so we have to talk about the rules and the set-up.
I seriously need to do some housework too so hopefully today I can get it done and then we can have fun!  Will let you know how the day goes...ttyl

It was a party !

with live music

Quentin talking to Rob


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