Monday, 8 February 2016

Sat- Sun 5-6

Feb 6
Sitting here in Red Shanks means we have no internet connection which sucks since I can see the tower in Georgetown! But we are just too far away. SO posting will have to wait until we get back to town,
Beguiler is in here and Rob and Brenda came for coffee in the morning. We sat for a couple of hours just talking. Rob was going to fix his lazy jacks so Quentin volunteered to go up the mast. After lunch Rick pulled Quentin over in the kayak and then went around the bay in the dinghy. He cheked out the two wrecks in here...hmmm this is supposed to be a  haven in a storm. Why are there wrecks in here???
I managed to get a bunch of lesson plans done and tried out a couple of ideas to make sure they will work.  Then we had supper when Quentin kayaked back from Beguiler, and went over there after supper to play cards. We played a game called "Sequence" It's a card/board game and all ages can play. Brenda and I won three and then let them win one each. LOL
Feb 7
Today is supposed to be the windy day with 35 knot gusts which is why we are in here.   And because we thought it would be interesting.  But everyone must have been gathered in Georgetown because we heard Elvis, the Harbourmaster trying to get all the boats to move out of the Channel going to Kidd Bay and in front of the Yacht Club.
Today all the bars are opening up with specials too. It's Super Bowl Sunday, and they all are vying for the American football fans so everyone is offering free food and huge TV's to see the game.
But in here we will finish our chores...wiring the wind generator; cleaning up the cockpit and go exploring if we have time. Quentin and I need to get the List ready for the Scavenger Hunt. I'm hoping that Modaki and C-Soul are getting closer. The Regatta will be starting on Feb 26 so the need to be here to get involved.

The wind has swung around to come out of the west sooner than we thought and we are starting to bounce a bit. Last night it was so calm I had to get up to make sure the dinghy was still attached to the boat. I couldn't hear that "sloppy dog licking" sound it makes in the waves. It's bright sunny so we will just need to deal with wind today. I should do a bit of will dry quickly!! ttyl 

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