Friday, 26 February 2016

Feb 25 Thursday, I guess..

Feb 25
School teachers' day...I can tell you I dreamed about this all night...guess I was worried about doing a presentation in front of live people, none of whom I knew!  I managed to arrange a ride for the 5 miles to the College of the Bahamas where the teacher's conference was being held. The owner of Red Boone was lending Jillian his car to drive me. I would find my way back. Everyone hitch-hikes here.  When I got to Red Boone Choppy was not there. Jillian had called him a he was at the south end of the island. I had lots of time, so I wasn't worried. And just then, Cordell drove up. I asked if he was going home but he was staying in town all day. He said he would drive me up there but first he had an errand.  He told me to wait and walked to the Bank. As luck would have it, Choppy came rushing up and said, Get in, I have to go the north end of the island I'll drop you off. "So I did!
When he dropped me off, he said he'd be back in an hour and pick me up if I was ready. When the session was over, I decided to start walking figuring he would see me on the road. Unfortunately, when he stopped to se e if I was ready, I was next door at the Meat market getting a bottle of water, and he missed me.  So I walked about 4 miles, not knowing what the signal was for wanting a ride. I got as far as the car rental place and Emmet was getting ready to deliver a car downtown, so he gave me a ride the last 2 miles.  I was fine, just hot and tire, but I was completely justified after that eating the fries and drinking a beer!
The presentation was well received, especially the already prepared 22 lessons! As I was leaving one of the pre-school teachers stopped me and asked me to help with an Island Pre-School Day. 75-80 rug rats...I mean...pre-schoolers will be gathered at the Park and she wants to set up an art station where they can do some painting or craft. Would I help? How can I say no, so if we are still here I will do it?
Quentin has a busy week ahead of him as well, helping with the stage setup this morning, and the Kid's Games today. Although, he got out of that commitment because he was working longer at the stage than anticipated. Tomorrow morning he's needed at 7:00 am. Tomorrow is also the Variety show where he gets to enter the conch blowing contest!!
Today I entered him in the fun Volleyball tournament; the baseball game; the Coconut Challenge with his friend Richard from Vivens Aqua, me and Mark from C-Soul.  He is also entered in the blind dinghy race, the kayak race and the make-your-own sail race.
Cordell's breadfruit trees are here so we will be helping him re-pot and get them set up for sending to the other islands. When the Regatta s over, there are a lot of boats going to Long Island for a rally, and we are all taking breadfruit trees with us, to re-grow the trees on the islands.
Next few days are a whirlwind of activity, but if you want to see some of the things happening, check out the videos on Stephane is videoing the regatta for the website.
Quentin has gone to shore with Lee from Alesto, the electrician he has been helping. Lee is parked in front of us so he will bring Quentin back tonight in time for supper, and we can go to the Rake and Scrape with Mark & Gail.

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