Wednesday 19 November 2014

Wednesday Nov 19

Wednesday Nov 19

I know it’s Wednesday because I saw Liz’ post about Navy League, and I know it’s the 19th because my computer tells me it is, but frankly, Scarlett, I am too cold to care!

It was very cold all day today. I don’t think the temperature actually made it up to the mid 40’s, and I’m sorry I’m whining to all you people who are suffering under the Arctic vortex, but you can sit in your warm house and watch it. My feet are freezing...gawd, I wish I had brought my sorrels!!!

Anyway, we left Elizabeth City at 8:30 am behind everyone else and couldn’t keep up, and when we got out to Albemarle Sound we hoisted sails and sailed, as in ...turned off the motor!!!! Finally!

We managed to sail at the same speed as we would have motored so we didn’t lose time, but everybody passed us!! It was too cold for pictures and we didn’t see much except wide open water. Falcon, the other Prout that we thought was way ahead of us, caught us and passed us. C- Soul, Makala and the the Blue trawler all got ahead of us.

So we are all alone in a little anchorage just under the Alligator River Bridge. We will have supper, watch the sunset and oh, look, another sailboat anchored about a mile away. Rick is putting everything away, and I have made chilli.

We will probably go to bed early again so we can be up at dawn and ready to go. Somewhere there is warm weather...we’ll keep searching. In the meantime, don’t be out in crappy weather if you don’t have to! Stay warm, dry and safe.

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