Friday 23 January 2015

Jan 19-23 Still at Lady's Island!!!

Friday January 23, 2015

Forgive me, people, it’s been four days since my last entry?!?

Monday was a holiday - Martin Luther King Jr. Day – not that that means anything to boaters who are on permanent holiday. I just thought I’d mention it.

C-Soul left on Monday and I can’t believe it brought tears as they left! They are about 60 miles ahead of us now so hopefully we can catch up in a week. Gail and I had wanted to spend our birthdays together. She is 2 days ahead of me [and many years behind!] but it was not to be!

TJ thinks we are permanent residents. Even his wife thinks so. When Rick apologized for not having made it to her art gallery, she said, “Don’t worry... there’s lots of time. You aren’t leaving any time soon.”

Rick pulled his back on Tuesday so he walked around hunched over like an old man for two days. That slowed his progress considerably. Several Aleve and some hot showers over the last two days have helped a bit.

So, we finished the helm station- two wires to hook up the radio. I finished the cushions. They are still in the sewing room with my machine until we get the cockpit cleaned up. The front windows are ready – Adam put in two zippers.  We also re-bedded a hatch cover on the propane locker and built it up so it wouldn’t leak. We built a ‘dam’ across the deck to channel the rain water away from it as well.

We still need to clean up the tools in the cockpit and put away the rest of the tools and bits we have sitting around. I was sure that the cockpit floor was going to be replaced. We spilled so much paint and epoxy on it that I never expected to be able to do anything with it. But yesterday before we put the steps back in, I used some teak restorer on it and the epoxy and paint scrubbed off! Not easily, but it gives me hope for refinishing it! Just not right now. We need to get going!

Today is gloomy and we are expecting two inches of rain in the next 6 hours but sometimes this place feels like it’s under a magic dome: the storms often miss us here. If that’s the case, we will leave tomorrow. Oh darn, that means we’ll have to go to steak night. Really for $10.00, what a deal and he’s a better cook than I am!

So today is clean up and chill day. Look at the charts, find our next destination and get ready to go. We can putz around inside the boat. Or we can go to the movies with Diane and Andy [Windrekka] from Minnesota. They decided that if it’s raining they need a day off too!  More likely though we’ll stay here and get ready to leave. Leaving here is almost as hard as leaving Owen Sound was!
We’ll let you know! ttyl

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