Friday, 30 January 2015

January 30

January 30  Friday

What a night ! We were anchored along side the shoreline in 16 feet of water and settled for the night. At midnight we felt a bang and bolted out of bed to see what had happened. We had stated out about 50-75 yards from C-Soul, but when we looked out they were only about 50 feet from us. We didn’t hit them but it scared us so we upped the anchor and moved another quarter mile down the river. It took us an hour to get set again and feel comfortable going back to bed. At 3 am it happened again  but we weren’t on shore and we weren’t anywhere near the other boat, so we went back to sleep..well, we tried. In the morning there was no sign that anything was wrong, except that before where we couldn’t get the drive leg to lift, now it was loose and wouldn’t stay down!  So Rick stood on it like we used to do to get it to lock in place in reverse. Grrrrrrr!

We dragged ourselves out of bed at 7:00 am and started the engine. We were off the hook at 7:30 with C-Soul about an hour behind us. Of course they had no problem catching up and passing us! Today has been a fast day. We are determined to reach Fernandina Beach by tonight. The winds are forecasted to run to 35 knots, not good for anchoring, so we will take a dock tonight and head out again tomorrow to St. Augustine.

We have seen lots of dolphins today, but it’s mating season so they are oblivious to us! We also saw a couple of flocks of white pelicans cruising along one of the oyster islands. We are finally moving into the sandy outer islands...not as much grassland.
Coming through Jekyll Sound we both got caught in the channel when a huge car carrier came through. We both scooted out of the way, and he ploughed his way into Brunswick. Coming though Cumberland sound, there were notices to watch for returning submarines and other was –type ships. C-Soul was way ahead of us and had a “close encounter” with one of them. Luckily we were slow enough that we didn’t get in his way. We watched a tiny little security boat guarding the shoreline with all the navy ships in King’s Bay. At first he looked like a fishing boat, but the flashing red light sort of gave him away.

It was 5:30 when we arrived at the dock in Fernandina Harbour marina.  About a mile before the marina is the border. We are in FLORIDA!!! The showers are hot and clean and we are done for the night! We will see what tomorrow brings for weather to determine the next step.
Big boat, move fast!

An oyster bank... we should be over there looking for pearls

White pelicans

dry dock at King's Bay navy yard

let's see how close we can get !

Fort Clinch

Go  around it to find the marina

getting lines ready - he's always cold

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