Monday 12 January 2015

JAnuary 11-12 Is this Monday?

January 11-12
OMG I can’t believe we are still here. I am getting slower and slower at completing the chores and Rick just keeps finding more things to do. But the boat is looking pretty spiffy with all the new gadget housings. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to find a source of propane hose for the water heater, so that’s something else that will sit in the box for a while. However, he has been getting rid of the ‘ends’ of things, like the wiring we don’t need 1000 feet of, and some of the 212 wrenches.

This week is supposed to be rainy all week and today we are having thunderstorms. This place must be protected by Neptune, because none of the extreme weather that has been happening around us has hit here. The wind storm the other night was nothing, just annoying...most of the sailors were rocked to sleep!

Tonight is the national college football championships, so everyone will be up in the meeting room watching football with pizza and beer. Not sure if we will join them. I find American football like the beer...oh, never mind.

The pantry looks awesome and the bathroom is almost NOT a tool box now. And I am liking it on the boat, but twice this month I have dreamed that we bought back our house in Thunder Bay. Not sure what that is about! I think it might be because I am torn...anxious to get going but reluctant to leave all these great people. I know that we all meet up somewhere in anchorages around the Caribbean because that’s where we’re all headed but it seems like leaving family...again.

So I have wasted the morning crawling around Facebook, Yahoo and my writing site... oh, wait... I can do that because I am RETIRED! And NOT on a schedule!

TJ is going to open the sewing room for me so I’m going to finish those @#%** cushions today! I would have taken the windshield up to Adam in the Sail loft to get a zipper put in but it’s keeping the rain out of the cockpit so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

I was hoping to walk to the grocery store today, but unless the rain lets up a little that will also have to wait for tomorrow. Not that I need much but I need the exercise! I was looking at some old photos this morning and I REALLY need to keep exercising. I am down at least one size from all the walking and I’d like to keep it going down. I don’t need to undo my jeans to get them didn’t need to know that, did you?

Later that day... it’s still raining but the sun is trying really hard to come out! I might get to the grocery store after all. It’s not like I’ll melt if I get wet. Trouble’s too hot to wear a raincoat and walk! OK lunch i over... back to work.

Those freakin’ cushion area finally done! I am almost reluctant to put away the machine... I’m sure there is something else I can fix, but I stopped to see Adam, the sail maker today and he will install the two zippers for the front windows and they will done as well! YAY!

We walked to the Publix store awhile ago. It get shorter every time we do it. It’s probably about ¾ of a mile so it’s not a big deal, but my feet are sore tonight. A massage would feel goooood.
Ok, football game time. We are going to watch for a half hour then have a shower and come back to watch a movie or fall asleep. ttyl

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