Tuesday 27 January 2015

January 26-27 in Georgia

January 27, 2015

So yesterday we crossed into Georgia. It was a cold, blustery day and I can only say that it wasn’t raining or snowing. We got as far as Isle of Hope and anchored in front of the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography.  It took 45 inut4s to get the anchors up this morning out of the friggin’ mud! Oh yeah... Georgia mudflats!

It was a cold and blustery day again today and we did NOT have a good run. St. Catherine Sound was as rough as crossing Lake Ontario and the water was just as dark. The winds ran from 12-22 knots. Sometimes we could put out a sail but most times it wouldn’t help.

But we made 40 miles in 8 hours! That’s a good run for us. We got up at 6:30 and got off the anchor by 7:45. Tonight we are anchored in the middle of “creek” called Cattle Pen Creek. It’s basically a space in the grasses where you can get a boat.

So it’s 7:30. All the chores are done and we just came in from looking at the stars and the underwater lights. It’s dead calm, quiet and clear! We are going to bed to watch a bit of tv and go to sleep so we can start early again. I really hope tomorrow is like this.  

tonight at anchor

sunset tonight

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