Wednesday 7 January 2015

Jan 4-7 Catch up

January 4-7
I can’t believe I haven’t written anything for the last four days...well, there isn’t much to tell. We are still here in “Bewfirt”. Rick has finished the freezer and it’s working well. Now we just have to fill it up! I almost think it’s too big. Don’t tell him I said that or he’ll have a fit, because I was whining about how small it sounded when he said 2.5-3 cubic feet.

The helm station is almost done as well, and we have been sanding and varnishing trim for one of the shelves I just painted. I’ve been sewing the cockpit cushion covers and doing the regular chores like laundry, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping [although he never lets me go by myself to get food]. I was hoping some of these chores would magically do themselves at sea...

The sewing room is fun because there are three of us [Gail and Diane from Muskegon Michigan]working on projects so it’s like a sweatshop only we don’t get paid and we can talk and go to the bathroom whenever we want.

Our water heater turned up yesterday so that has to be installed, also at the dock because we are NOT running new gas lines and testing those at sea!!

We have more than enough projects to keep us busy here for awhile, and y’know, except for the fact that I have to go to the Turks and Caicos to fulfill that obligation, I would be content to hang out around here. Of course, sooner or later we have to get of the dock because... why? $600.00/month is cheap rent! That includes water and internet and fun!

We are also waiting for an order from Sailrite, bits and pieces of hardware for the sails and rigging.  It’s not like dock space is at a premium here, so we can stay as long as we need to. I asked TJ on Sunday when it 22C at 8 am if they got these warm days very often.
He said,” Oh, this is normal for January. It’s usually around 70F, but it gets colder in rains a lot and is grey, so if you’re going to go, y’all might want to try to get away before then.” See, no-one expects us to leave any time soon!

So we are quite content here. Rick is having a great time in the workshop. Some of the projects are being done by committee; everyone trades information, help, tools and supplies. Rick gave Joe a set of hinges and Joe gave me a 6-pack of Corona. That works!!  Mark and Gail are still here too and we spend lots of time together. And we so look forward to Pork Chop Nights and Steak Nights!

Our last search for parts is the rub-rail. Rick has a contact in California and to get it ship here is going to be so much cheaper that shipping to Canada which is why we waited. We’ve been able to get some stuff cheaper than his dealer price at home.
I can’t wait to hear what Homeland Security says the next time I have to call them, although I suspect that at this end of the country they don’t much care.

We are near the military base here and every so often, like right now, there’s a rumble as the fighter jets take off and bank overhead! It’s really cool!

So time to go to work. Later!
Yesterday morning

Looking southwest off the back deck

Really LOW tide

Optimum freezer temp whoohoo

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